Latest news – Page 2493

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    Mental health experts attack plans to detain without trial


    The government is pushing ahead with controversial proposals to detain dangerous people with severe personality disorder without trial.

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    Local services 'must be responsible for bringing prison care up to scratch'


    Local NHS mental health services should take the lead in ensuring that levels of care for prisoners match current good practice in the NHS, according to a report by the government's working group on prison nursing.

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    Health committee: government response


    The government has published its response to the Commons health committee's report on mental health.Noting the committee's concerns about the experience of black and minority ethnic users and continuing inadequacies in services, it promised to charge its mental health taskforce to tackle the issues.But it responded to the select committee's ...

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    NHS must identify barriers to ethnic jobs


    NHS organisations must identify any barriers to employing staff from Asian and other ethnic communities to ensure that hospitals and other services reflect the community they serve, says health minister John Denham. Launching a package of measures to improve recruitment from ethnic groups, Mr Denham said that all NHS organisations ...

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    Doctors want to spend more time with patients


    The British Medical Association's general practice committee wants GPs to double the time they spend with patients from seven minutes to up to 15 minutes. The BMA says that an average GP carries out 10,000 consultations per year but cannot spend enough time with each patient to guarantee a quality ...

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    MPs pack meeting over replacements for CHCs


    More than 50 MPs packed a meeting of the all-party group on community health councils last week. Vice-chair of the group Labour MP Deborah Shipley said there was 'standing room only' at the meeting, requested by junior health minister Gisela Stuart. Ms Shipley said there was 'a need for more ...

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    Nurses to be given extended powers to prescribe


    Around 10,000 nurses are to be given extended powers to prescribe a range of drugs and medicines for minor ailments and injuries, and chronic conditions like asthma and diabetes. Last week junior health minister Lord Hunt launched a consultation document on the plans, which arose from the 18-month-long Crown report, ...

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    Ledward victims seek compensation from HA


    Victims of the disgraced surgeon Rodney Ledward, who died from pancreatic cancer last month, say they will be seeking financial compensation from East Kent health authority. Detectives were on the verge of bringing charges against Mr Ledward, the self-styled 'fastest gynaecologist in the South East', and had been looking to ...

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    NHS ordered to act now amid fears over winter


    The NHS has been ordered to speed up the expansion of intermediate care services, spend more on social services and buy capacity from the private sector amid fears that it is facing a winter crisis.

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    Nightmare as beds in homes'disappear'


    'It's a nightmare. It's the single most intractable issue that we have ever had to face. Staff are quite exhausted by it and we haven't even started the winter yet.'

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    Health workers 'most content'


    Health sector workers are 'the most content' with their work life, compared with those in central and local government or the private sector, a survey has revealed.

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    IoD attacks 'quangos and talking shops'


    The Institute of Directors says the NHS Plan will result in more bureaucracy with 'more quangos, committees and other talking shops' in a new research paper Management, Mutuality and Risk: better ways to run the National Health Service.

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    There is nothing, believe me, nothing, that Monitor loves more than an eagle-eyed reader. It is for you that a vast team of dedicated (if slow-witted) reporters and sub-editors toil, patiently painting in commas and apostrophes to meet your grudging approval. But reader, no-one is perfect, as Monitor once learnt ...

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    People 'unable to pay more for elderly care'


    A leading think-tank has cast doubt on the government's plans to push people into taking out secondary pensions and insurance to fund longterm care.

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    Days like this


    The internal market reforms are being discredited by the breakneck speed of their implementation, says King's Fund College director Gordon Best. He told HSJ that in 20 years he had 'never before seen such intense top-down political pressure. Honest dissent is now categorised as opposition'. He added: 'I know from ...

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    It's lift-off for walk-in at airport


    Health minister John Denham has opened the first NHS walk-in centre to be developed through a public-private partnership.

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    Keeping 'em keen?


    Are primary care professionals suffering from post-NHS plan tension? Health minister John Denham warned members of the NHS Alliance about this new syndrome. Ann McGauran reports

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    Heard the one about the knight, the prof and the rabbi?


    The modernisation action board is diverse, if nothing else. Alison Moore reports on the chemistry and mechanics at its first meeting

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    Politicians can't swim against the silver tide


    Soon elderly people will have so many votes that politicians will have to listen to them, the annual social services conference has been told. Tash Shifrin reports

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    Finding their feet


    Shaky beginnings maybe, but the Sure Start scheme is a sure-fire success with local people. Claire Laurent reports