Latest news – Page 2497

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    management education


    Historically doctors and managers have undergone little joint training, at least until doctors become consultants.

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    A question of trust


    The NHS plan promises that powers to create new care trusts will be made available to primary care trusts and to local authorities with social services responsibilities.

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    Better or worse?


    The implications of the NHS plan for partnerships between health and local authorities have largely been assessed in personal social service terms. This perspective is understandable. Before the plan was published the NHS confederation proposed levels 5 and 6 primary care trusts to commission and provide social care the secretary ...

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    Mental health 'czar'demands zero suicides on acute wards


    National mental health director Professor Louis Appleby has ordered the NHS to take 'immediate action' to meet targets for zero suicides on acute psychiatric wards by the end of March 2002.

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    Website to monitor flu outbreaks


    An Internet scheme to monitor flu outbreaks and alert hospitals has been launched in the North West region.

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    Days like this


    A leaked Department of Health memo on the public spending talks has revealed that health secretary Kenneth Clarke has been advised to cut his bid to the Treasury for extra money by £431m, and that he is prepared to lose another £500m.Mr Clarke had originally asked for a £2.76bn increase ...

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    PM stands firm over a public NHS


    Tony Blair has restated his commitment to a centrally funded health service, pouring cold water on Conservative plans for an expansion of private healthcare and ruling out tax breaks for private policy-holders as a 'deadweight cost'.

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    'No need to panic' over who will replace the London region 'hard hitter' says his stand-in


    London regional chair Ian Mills says there is 'no need to panic' over the appointment of a permanent successor to the departing Nigel Crisp.

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    Crisp takes reins with 'patient centred' vow


    The new chief executive of the NHS has laid out his vision of a patient-centred service forged through links with key stakeholders.

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    Three tipped for NHS Wales top job against background of 'low salary'


    Three Welsh health service managers have been tipped as possible successors to former NHS Wales chief executive Peter Gregory.

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    In Brief


    The Scottish National Party will put health at the top of its agenda when it announces its latest policy strategy, newly elected leader John Swinney has said. It is thought he wants to publish the SNP's proposals before publication of the modernisation plan for the Scottish NHS, due to be ...

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    Idea to link PFI with outcomes 'is dangerous'


    Unison has attacked proposals for a radical development of the private finance initiative drawn up by a working group for centre-left think-tank the Institute for Public Policy Research.

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    Doctors must prepare for savvy public says Turnberg


    Doctors with knowledge across the breadth of medicine and society as a whole will be needed as patients become better informed, a leading health academic has claimed.

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    Delayed discharges rise as winter looms


    The latest social service performance indicators have exposed an increase in the delayed discharge of elderly patients from acute hospitals, a trend which could lead to more blocked beds this winter.

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    CHCs angered by silence from the 'centre' over future for their staff


    Community health council staff have voiced frustration over the lack of official information on their future once CHCs are scrapped in line with the NHS plan.

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    Stick to the letter of socialism


    The following letter to the health secretary Alan Milburn has been leaked. It was copied to Scottish health minister Susan Deacon, who also had socialist tendencies once.

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    PFI protest strike on hold after Denham intervention


    Strikers at Dudley Group of Hospitals trust voted for a 12-day stoppage after health minister John Denham said the government was 'working closely with Unison at a national level' to end the dispute. The 600 mainly ancillary workers voted last week for a sixth round of strike action against their ...

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    PCT's mental health services damned by report


    A damning report examining mental health services run by Highlands primary care trust says a 'constant demand for change has paradoxically led to a stagnation of the services'. The Scottish Health Advisory Service report highlights 'a significant lack of shared vision' which has hindered the implementation of the local framework ...

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    RCN to decide on healthcare assistant membership


    The Royal College of Nursing was set to decide this week whether to admit healthcare assistants to membership. The groundbreaking vote was due at the union's annual general meeting in Cardiff yesterday. The move to ballot on widening the college's membership follows more than a decade of debate and a ...