Latest news – Page 2498

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    Lobby of Unison branches backs expelled activists


    Two Unison activists launched their appeal against expulsion from the union last week. University College London Hospitals Unison branch secretary Candy Udwin and chair Dave Carr were supported by a lobby of members from 15 other branches at their appeal hearing. The UCLH Unison branch is one of the best ...

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    HDA guidance will support heart disease framework


    The Health Development Agency has issued draft guidance on preventing coronary heart disease. The guidance, to support the preventive aspects of the national service framework for coronary heart disease, provides an evidence base for local interventions. Health authority delivery plans are required to be in place by the end of ...

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    Payroll pilots will explore shared services


    All NHS payroll and accounts services could be dealt with by as few as 10 shared service centres under plans being discussed by the NHS Executive.

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    Troubleshooters find failings in critical areas at Bart's


    A regional troubleshooting team called in to the crisis-hit Barts and the London trust has found failures of performance in 'critical areas'.

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    NHS plan prompts hard-pressed HA to scale down its savings


    A financially beleaguered health authority has scaled back its savings in the light of the NHS plan.

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    Cancelled ops spark 'red alert'


    A trust 'named and shamed' as failing to meet outpatient waiting targets was last week forced on to 'red alert' as it cancelled 40 elective operations.

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    Alternatives to readmission for elderly people


    The article by Andy Levy and colleagues about medical readmissions ('We'll meet again', pages 30-31, 5 October) was a timely reminder that hospital-based problems may have whole-system solutions.

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    Tackling mental illness in Asian communities


    As an Asian person who has experienced mental illness, I know how the stigma in the Asian communities often discourages people from seeking effective help.

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    The rich history of NHS buildings could be lost


    Your picture focus on the London Open House event (pages 16-17, 5 October reminded me that the NHS has a large capital stock of buildings with much history to tell.

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    New range of tableware to impress your guests


    Monitor's item about the unusual Orkney pottery (5 October) is of great interest to those of us who know the potter, Andrew Appleby.

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    A website initiative can help harness our collaboration on health inequalities


    Since the current government came to power there has been a renewed interest in health inequalities. In the research community, health inequalities have formed a focus of interest in a variety of disciplines, including economics, epidemiology, geography, philosophy, public health and sociology, among many others.

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    Interventions to help meet heart disease targets


    I noted with interest your sparse coverage of the National Institute for Clinical Excellence's guidance on glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors.

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    Lack of data could hamper multi-agency plan


    We were pleased that you carried the article about the problems data collection poses for multi-agency working ('Minus sign', pages 3233, 28 September).However, we wish to point out that authorship should be attributed to the Radical Statistics Health Group, not to Susan Kerrison and me, even though we were more ...

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    What difference does public involvement make?


    The conclusion that 'many health authorities clearly see community consultation in its rightful place as one of the key processes involved in strategic planning' ('Raising the stakes', pages 26-27, 7 September) is a positive one. This optimism complements the ideal set out in the NHS plan to give people 'more ...

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    Sunderland West PCT operational in April 2001


    I refer to the advertisement for the post of chief executive of Sunderland West primary care trust (page 66, 14 September).

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    Scotland's opinion of CHI is irrelevant to survey


    Commission for Health Improvement director Peter Homa questioned the reliability of your survey on expectations of CHI (Letters, pages 22-23, 28 September).

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    Life is a roller coaster, as Monitor's fave pop star, Ronan Keating, crooned so recently.

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    Dear Mel. . .


    I attended the Institute of Healthcare Management conference a couple of weeks ago and heard Mr Milburn talking about the key themes of the NHS annual plan. What are these themes? Can you help?

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    Lord Hunt should lie down and think of England


    It's wrong to back-track on fluoridation, whatever the rights lobby says

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    No chance of avoiding crisis


    Only by valuing staff can the NHS retain loyalty through a difficult winter