Latest news – Page 2499

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    Fuel and health


    After an NHS-wide red alert as a result of the direct action cutting off fuel supplies it may seem perverse to suggest some positive economic - and health - reasons for high fuel prices. But here goes.

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    Towards the ideal


    The NHS was a role model for American health professionals. How has the NHS plan affected its perception in the US in different times? Howard Berliner reports

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    Wrong side of beds


    The key to taking the heat off mental health inpatient care may not be as simple as simply increasing bed numbers. Robert Lee and Derek Bradley report on their findings

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    No more heroes


    The requirement for a leader to be a charismatic superman was one of the mythologies debunked in a major survey on qualities needed at the top. Beverly Alimo-Metcalfe and Robert Alban-Metcalfe report

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    False start


    With clinical governance beginning to bite, most trusts still seem unready for the cultural changes needed, write Kieran Walshe and colleagues

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    in person


    Deborah Wheeler has been appointed director of nursing at Whittington Hospital trust. She previously held the same post at Bromley Hospitals trust.

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    Items are entered free for public sector, voluntary and professional organisations, but we need at least six weeks' notice of your event. Please send details to Uli Jaeger, HSJ, Greater London House, Hampstead Road, London, NW1 7EJ. Fax:020-7874 0254.

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    UK and EU courts rule on pensions


    NHS pension scheme rules which provide for a survivor's pension for a widow or widower but not an unmarried partner are coming under challenge in both the UK and European courts.

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    Human rights cases gather momentum


    A patient at Broadmoor special hospital who was forcibly given medication has won permission to go to the Court of Appeal, in one of the first human rights cases to reach court on 2 October, the day the Human Rights Act came into force.

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    Doctor entitled to reject job


    An Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) has set aside a finding by an employment tribunal that a doctor did not act unreasonably in refusing a suitable alternative job offer after he was made redundant, and was therefore entitled to redundancy payment.

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    Courts may not be so robust as claims under new act pour in


    However much ministers may try to downplay the effects of the Human Rights Act, it's clear that the courts are going to face a barrage of claims.

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    Targets, initiatives, modernisation, taskforces. It's all a bit of a slog, ponders Monitor.

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    More Londoners are killed by pollution than die on roads


    A report launched at the first meeting of the London Health Commission, set up by mayor Ken Livingstone, today claims that more people die from transport-related pollution than road accidents in the capital.

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    NHS advocacy services face cash problems


    A report on advocacy services in the NHS in London says they are suffering from 'precarious short-term funding', a lack of pay and little formal training.

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    Days like this


    Shadow health secretary Robin Cook told the Labour Party conference: 'The Tories have had 10 years to run down the NHS, and it will take time to put it right. But we are determined to do it. 'He stressed this would not be an easy job, and it could take ...

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    Conference with extra bite


    Health secretary Alan Milburn believes the NHS must be the best, as well as the biggest, employer in the land. 'Don't wait for advice: start now' was the message to the Institute of Healthcare Management. Lyn Whitfield and Tash Shifrin report

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    Talk about the speeches


    If there is one theme to emerge from the Institute of Healthcare Management's annual conference, it is the sense of disappointment that the new organisation has not achieved the profile or the influence that it might have done.

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    No more lonely heroes


    Incoming IHM president William McKee attacked 'naming and shaming' and 'red lights' in his inaugural speech to the institute.

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    Ofsted revisited


    Pilot reviews by the Commission for Health Improvement have shown the importance of healthcare managers, CHI director Peter Homa told delegates.

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    New credo, new code


    IHM chief executive Stuart Marples this week urged managers to put aside 'command and control' management and adopt a 'new credo in which they would be guides' to develop their staff.