Latest news – Page 2500

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    Managers meet the management


    The IHM, which represents NHS managers, lives in the shadow of the NHS Confederation. The media could never tell the difference: should they join forces? Tash Shifrin reports

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    Beam me up, Bournemouth


    Astride a Star Trek set, William Hague delighted the Conservative conference, though on health he may get a rougher ride from voters than he did from delegates, reports Lyn Whitfield

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    One to watch


    The trouble with public health annual reports is that no-one reads them. Will putting it on video get round the problem? Claire Laurent reports

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    Milburn announces new deal for staff


    Health secretary Alan Milburn has launched the human resources framework that will make the way NHS employers treat staff a core performance measure for the first time.

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    'Politics bias'attacked


    The commissioner for public appointments has called for greater openness about the political affiliation of public appointees in the NHS.

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    Private healthcare comes to the aid of the politicians


    The Conservative Party is pressing ahead with its plans for a major expansion of private healthcare, promised at its party conference last week.

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    Trust chief under fire


    The chief executive of South Warwickshire General Hospitals trust has been suspended while an investigation into 'certain administrative procedures'- understood to mean waiting lists - takes place.

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    In Brief


    Health union MSF has claimed that a Halifax survey showing a salary of £35,000 a year is needed to buy a house in London proves NHS staff are being priced out of London and the South East. Head of health Roger Kline said wages needed to be raised along with ...

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    Tobacco advertising ban is still a priority


    Brussels health lobbyists are calling for stronger measures to protect public health in the wake of the European Court of Justice's decision to cancel the tobacco advertising ban covering all 15 EU members.

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    Study finds 'no evidence'of action on 1992 review


    An inquiry into heart surgery at the cardiac unit at Liverpool's Alder Hey children's hospital has found no evidence that an action plan had been put in place after an earlier investigation.

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    Fluoride study fails to spark major changes


    The publication of the 'most comprehensive review of research on water fluoridation' has done nothing to unite fiercely pro and anti-fluoridation lobby groups.

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    Call to highlight screening's limits


    Screening programmes should be re-named 'risk-reduction programmes' to help educate people about their limits, according to the UK national screening committee.

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    Mind report seeks to dispel 'myths' over homicides


    Mental health charity Mind marked world mental health day on Monday with the publication of a report designed to 'explode the myths' surrounding dangerousness and the link with mental health problems. Its figures from a 1999 study show that 95 per cent of homicides are committed by people without mental ...

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    Denham launches 'zero tolerance'plan on violence


    The Department of Health has launched guidance on tackling violence in mental health, ambulance, community and primary care settings, 'where staff are most at risk of attack'. Launching the guidance, health minister John Denham said he was 'determined'to turn the NHS into a 'zero tolerance zone'for violence. The guidance lists ...

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    '£5,000 pay gap between some nurse consultants'


    There are stark differences in the starting salaries paid to nurse consultants, according to a survey carried out by analysts Industrial Relations Services. The survey found marked geographical variations, with average pay in Eastern region at £35,031, almost £5,000 more than in North West region, where minimum salaries average £30,155. ...

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    Women's federation opposes sub-consultant grade


    The Medical Women's Federation has 'strongly rejected' NHS plan proposals to introduce a sub-consultant grade. It says implementation of the 'proposed employment bondage would seriously damage the national recruitment drive', and warns that 'women doctors know from bitter experience who will fill such posts'. It also suggests that contract changes ...

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    Dentists receive first wave of payments for loyalty


    The first payments to reward dentists working in the General Dental Service 'for their commitment to the NHS' will be made this week. The scheme gives additional monies to dentists aged 35 and over who have worked at least five years in the last decade and received gross earnings of ...

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    Union challenge to halted holiday leave


    Unions are challenging a deal made by Lanarkshire Acute trust in Scotland which will see holiday leave stopped for three months during the move to two private finance initiative sites.

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    £6. 3m deficit-trust's board 'was warned'of cash crisis


    A leaked report into England's highest trust deficit has concluded that danger signals pointing to the trust's impending financial crisis were 'not hidden'from its management board.

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    Council declares no confidence in bitter saga over A&E closure


    A district council has called for the resignation of senior NHS managers and intervention by a government hit squad after the closure of Kidderminster General Hospital's accident and emergency unit.