Latest news – Page 2504

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    'Tidy up' blamed for IHM's missing 1,500


    The Institute of Healthcare Management has admitted to having just 8,500 members - up to 1,500 fewer than was claimed when it was formed in October last year.

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    Blair spells out NHS promises


    Prime minister Tony Blair used his speech at the Labour Party conference to hammer home the government's plans for the NHS, should it win a second term.

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    The great row whimpers on about whether nice uncle Tony and his good friend Alan used the NHS as a 'political weapon' to get the fat truckers out of the way. Monitor reckons it's just not the sort of thing they would do. When the Department of Health sent out ...

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    PFI pioneer builds up backlog of 3,000 'unreported'x-rays


    The country's first fully operational private finance initiative hospital has amassed a backlog of about 3,000 'unreported' x-rays since its official opening in April.

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    PCT directorships - fantastic offer shoppers can refuse


    Sheffield health authority has taken to the streets in search of non-executive directors for the city's new primary care trusts.

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    Days like this


    The Department of Health has issued 'contradictory' regulations on the role of community health councils, CHCs claim. Though they now have the right to represent patients when family health services authorities hear complaints against GPs, rules issued last week say CHCs have 'no role in the relationship between a GP ...

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    A long-day's journey into night


    Personnel issues are dominated by the implications of the NHS plan. Delegates at AHHRM's annual conference thrashed out the crucial points. Ann McGauran reports from Dublin

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    Things can only get. . . different?


    The Lib Dems are still keeping - a bit of - faith with Labour, and blame the Conservatives rather than Tony Blair for the NHS's problems. Lyn Whitfield reports from their Bournemouth conference

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    Well endowed: but still not cool and hip


    The Liberal Democrats should really have felt at home in Bournemouth. Voted some years ago as the 'next coolest city on the planet', it has been waiting for its moment ever since.

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    Would you like cash back?


    Yes, please, says the BMA - about 14 per cent would do nicely. As the annual pay review tussle hots up, Laura Donnelly and Tash Shifrin find out who wants what, and how badly

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    On best behaviour


    The full force of the Human Rights Act is about to hit health service employers with a sledgehammer. Colin Wright reports

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    The three degrees


    As the submissions were handed in, health authority senior managers learnt that they can expect a 3. 25 per cent pay rise.

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    Germ warfare


    Public health professionals need to regain the public confidence lost in the BSE crisis. Claire Laurent reports

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    Lassa fever: diagnosis in hours


    Developments in molecular diagnostics led to a swift diagnosis of Lassa fever in a 52-year-old British aid worker in March. Treatment has to be within six days of onset if the prognosis is to be good, so speed of diagnosis is vital.

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    Give them a medal if they stick to poverty initiative


    Preventing 10,000 premature deaths a year is surely an Olympian feat

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    NHS can deliver second term


    Beware ever-increasing interest in its progress by anxious Blairites

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    Social care: the vicious circle


    So, the secretary of state didn't really mean it. Social care is ostensibly reprieved from an NHS takeover, even though the Health Act flexibilities are to become compulsory and the threat of care trust status looms for poorly performing social care partners.

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    Are you one of the 200 or so website editors working for NHS organisations that the Department of Health believes to be out there somewhere? If so, you may have mixed feelings about the sudden interest the centre has developed in your activities.

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    Charlie takes it easy and waits for poll position


    I must confess that I was called out of the NHS debate at the Liberal Democrat conference by an MP who wanted to talk about the chances of introducing proportional representation for Westminster elections.