Latest news – Page 2505

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    Do the locum motive


    Locum for his own hospital: 'Without us the service would go under'

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    Taken short: the digital approach


    The current shortage of nursing staff willing to take up an NHS contract has firmly shifted the balance of power away from trusts and towards the agencies, contributing to the rapid increase in agency costs since the mid-1990s. But one company claims it can reverse this trend.

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    Minus sign


    The NHS plan envisages autonomy for primary care trusts and multiagency providers. But is the data available adequate for monitoring whether these agencies are operating according to the plan's principles for providing a public service?

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    in person


    Will Evans has been appointed director of Harrow's Unified Mental Health Services, which will bring health and social services together to provide integrated care from next April. Since 1998, he has been director of nursing, quality and mental health for Harrow and Hillingdon Healthcare trust.

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    Items are entered free for public sector, voluntary and professional organisations, but we need at least six weeks' notice of your event. Please send details to Uli Jaeger, HSJ, Greater London House, Hampstead Road, London, NW1 7EJ. Fax:020-7874 0254.

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    £70m earmarked to treat dangerous disorders


    The Home Office is putting £70m behind a threeyear programme of pilot projects for treating people with dangerous severe personality disorder.

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    24 reach shortlist for HSJ management awards night


    Twenty-four entries in this year's HSJ Health Management Awards have reached the shortlist.

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    News in brief: British Heart Foundation survey


    Ninety-four per cent of 156 British MPs who responded to a British Heart Foundation survey did not take enough exercise to protect their health, with 85 per cent blaming long hours and 58 per cent 'social commitments' for not managing to take 30 minutes of physical exercise five times per ...

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    News in brief: Bairbre de Brun


    Northern Ireland health minister Bairbre de Brun has indicated support for co-operation with health services in the Irish Republic. In a speech to a British Medical Association conference, she said there was 'most' scope for joint work on ambulance services, emergency pressures, waiting lists and transferring patients who needed specialised ...

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    News in brief: Flu vaccination


    The Northern Ireland Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety has launched a £1. 8m flu vaccination programme and public information campaign, aimed particularly at over 65-year-olds.

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    News in brief: Jane Hutt


    Welsh health secretary Jane Hutt has reopened the cardiac catheter laboratories of University Hospital of Wales in Cardiff, which have been refurbished at a cost of £1. 25m.

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    News in brief: Ethnic minorities


    The British Medical Association's GPs'committee has written to the Commission for Racial Equality expressing 'grave concerns' about the 'victimisation' of single-handed GPs in the NHS plan. The majority of such GPs come from ethnic minorities.

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    News in brief: Lord Hunt


    Junior health minister Lord Hunt has said he will set up a national group to implement recommendations made by the Royal College of Surgeons last year on the future of kidney services. Patients, health professionals and clinicians will be involved. The college proposed to reduce the number of transplant units ...