Latest news – Page 2509

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    'Extra resources needed' to meet future demands on mental health


    An interim strategy examining how the NHS can build a mental health workforce to meet the demands of the national service framework and NHS plan says extra resources will still be needed.

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    Wales 'needs new priorities by 2002'


    The NHS in Wales should move towards a 'transparent and consistent' system of prioritising patients based on clinical need, according to a report endorsed last week by the Welsh Assembly's health committee.

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    Contractors criticised on records


    Financial controls over central finance services contracted out by the Public Health Laboratory Service broke down in 1998-99, the National Audit Office has found.

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    'Red alert' removed as petrol crisis ends


    The NHS was taken off 'red alert' on Monday as fuel supplies started to return to normal following the blockade of oil refineries.

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    Toolkit will help trusts judge beds capacity


    Trusts and health authorities will receive 'prescriptive' guidance next month showing them how to get their share of 2,100 extra acute and general beds promised in the NHS plan.

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    Cancelled ops suggestwinterwoes


    Figures showing a big jump in cancelled operations this year suggest that managers will struggle to comply with ministerial orders to keep them to a minimum this winter.

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    Birmingham HA appoints Scots NHS chief


    Geoff Scaife, chief executive of the NHS in Scotland for the past seven years, is to become the new chief executive of Birmingham health authority.

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    Isn't the BMA great? It takes care of poor struggling doctors who wouldn't be able to look after themselves, and worries about wider issues too - like whether they are being paid enough, and whether the financial resources are in place and whether there is enough money being provided to ...

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    MP goes to war over 'unsafe'hospital huts


    An MP is highlighting the 'unsafe' condition of Second World War huts at Royal Shrewsbury Hospital in a renewed bid to have them replaced by purpose-built facilities.

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    £630m set aside for winter care


    The winter emergency services team is planning 40 visits to 'key health and social care communities' as part of plans aimed at averting the annual NHS 'winter crisis', junior health minister Gisela Stuart announced last week.

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    Days like this


    Community health councils should have contracts specifying their role in monitoring and delivering healthcare, according to South West Thames regional chair Baroness Cumberlege. 'The initiative for the shape the contracts take must come from the CHCs themselves, 'she said. Reaction has been mixed, with some CHCs feeling contracts could give ...

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    IT looks like trouble


    The NHS's approach to information technology is in the dock yet again with the news that new systems will be used for the roll-out of NHS Direct. Lynne Greenwood reports

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    Siren voices


    London Ambulance Service, which handled over a million calls in the year to March 2000, is cautious about plans to establish links with NHS Direct.

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    Up, up and away


    Docbusters wanted. Must be extremely skilled, enjoy travelling extensively at short notice and capable of inspiring the confidence of beleaguered trusts.

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    Picking up the pieces - BAMM case studies


    Case 1.'I think you've got a problem here' A medical director and BAMM member got a call from a trust chief executive who had concerns about a clinician's performance.He drove 300 miles on a Sunday, and spent hours that evening ploughing through case notes.

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    This man wants to lose his job


    The GP charged with spreading good practice in primary care is looking forward to redundancy - it will mean his job is done, writes Laura Donnelly

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    A little bit of horse sense


    War wounds were compared and farmyard analogies coined at a joint health and local government conference on inspections. Alex Klaushofer listened in

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    How the collaboratives work


    The team has compiled a handbook of good practice - on topics such as access, capacity and demand management, triage, and coronary heart disease care.

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    Altered image


    A label of 'dual diagnosis' is being given to people with mental health problems who misuse alcohol and drugs. But will this improve their care, asks Claire Laurent

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    Double trouble: drug use makes its mark


    Of 270 new patients who presented to Luther Street during the year of the project,34 were identified as having a dual diagnosis - just 13 per cent.But when the centre looked at its total current population of about 1,500 homeless people, it found that 52 per cent met the dual ...