Latest news – Page 2513

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    Days like this


    London health authorities have resigned themselves to a new round of cuts in a last-ditch attempt to balance the books by April. A snapshot survey by HSJ revealed that cost-cutting would exacerbate the capital's bed shortage. One manager commented: 'The basic problem is there is not enough money to meet ...

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    Nervous tick


    Health managers perceive CHI to be about punishment and censure, despite its protestations to the contrary. Mark Gould reports on a revealing HSJ survey

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    Dig that debate


    The private finance initiative continues to enrage its critics. But its supporters claim their opposition is a relic of a former age. Lyn Whitfield wonders where the future lies

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    Sounding the right note


    The history of rock and roll is strewn with casualties: Jimi Hendrix choking on his own vomit, Elvis enjoying his last supper, the gunshots that ended the short lives of Kurt Cobain and John Lennon.

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    Mortar mouth


    The average house price in London is almost £200,000. The average newly qualified nurse working in the capital earns about £18,000. So the man charged with finding homes for up to 350,000 NHS staff who struggle to afford London prices will need to be better than average.

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    Present imperfect, but better than future ghastly


    Time to rethink proposed abolition of community health councils

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    Planning for the unexpected


    Did you take a book with you to read on holiday? For £15 you could have bought a hardback copy of the current best-selling thriller or a couple of good paperbacks to read on the plane.If you're a real masochist like me you might have recklessly blown your hardearned cash ...

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    You may think that the advent of care trusts commissioning and managing both health and social care will herald an NHS take-over of all those funny social services people.

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    How to win friends and influence them


    Good nurses are born, not made - and they are born with an inferiority complex. Why this should be, no-one can tell. Everyone holds them in high esteem. . . everyone but other nurses. The way to get them to do what you want is to play on this insecurity ...

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    Cutting edge


    The enhancement of post-operative theatre recovery facilities to provide short-term intensive care for surgical patients, a concept pioneered at St Thomas' trust more than a decade ago, received the Department of Health's seal of approval in a health service circular published earlier this year on critical care services.

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    Raising the stakes


    Community consultation and stakeholder involvement in planning are key elements of the new management agenda for health authorities. PricewaterhouseCoopers carried out research with 25 HAs during January 2000 to gather comparative information on strategies and approaches to community consultation. Questionnaires were sent to the chief executives of 100 HAs in ...

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    In the know


    The increasing dependency of older people in residential homes will place a greater burden on nursing services. Training care staff is one way forward. Cathy Malone and Rona Mackenzie report

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    Sweeping the board


    The primary care trust tool kit A workbook for the health service and primary care team By Roy Lilley Radcliffe Medical Press 200 pages £30

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    Colouring in the details


    Ethnicity, disability and chronic illness Edited by Waqar I U Ahmad Open University Press 154 pages

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    Pushing, pushing the point home


    Social perspectives on pregnancy and childbirth for midwives, nurses and the caring professions By Julie Kent Open University Press 251 pages £16.99

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    data briefing


    Increased health spending does not necessarily mean a healthier population. John Appleby looks at how the use of different measures can lead to contradictory outcomes

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    in person


    Tony Keighley, chief executive of Calderdale and Kirklees health authority, will retire in November after working for 32 years in the NHS.

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    Conservative policy 3 October, Bournemouth The Social Market Foundation is organising an evening event on 'Conservative health policy: next for the NHS?'. Panellists are Conservative health spokesman Philip Hammond, Stephen Pollard, chief leader writer of the Daily Express, and Dr Tim Evans, executive director of the Independent Healthcare Association.

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    Trust inspections will exact high toll, warns HSJ survey


    Inspecting every NHS trust in the UK could cost nearly £15m and cause a significant increase in stress for all staff, according to an exclusive survey commissioned by HSJ and the Health Quality Service.

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    Medical director quits while cardiac services probe hangs in the balance


    The medical director of Oxford Radcliffe Hospital trust has resigned as it awaits the findings of an inquiry into cardiac services.