Latest news – Page 2514

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    Blair and Milburn split on criteria for new chief executive of NHS


    Health secretary Alan Milburn is caught in a row between the Department of Health and Number 10 over who to appoint as NHS chief executive, HSJ understands.

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    Conservatives give 'hands off 'health pledge


    The Conservative Party has pledged to 'take politicians out of the day-to-day management of the NHS'.

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    Target pressure for PMS pilots


    Draft core contracts for future personal medical services pilots will require GPs to sign up to the NHS plan's targets for access to a primary care professional within 24 hours and to a GP within 48 hours by 2004.

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    In brief: Resuscitation policy


    Trust chief executives must ensure that by next April all hospitals have a local resuscitation policy in place that follows new guidelines issued on Tuesday by health secretary Alan Milburn. This follows last winter's outcry over a number of 'do not resuscitate'orders. The policy must be made available to patients ...

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    In brief: British Medical Association


    The British Medical Association in Scotland has called for a 'new culture of openness and transparency' in dealing with organ retention. Scottish secretary Dr Bill O'Neill said overprotective doctors had tried to 'shield' parents from the details of post mortems, but the public outcry over organ retention showed that this ...

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    In brief: Cambridge ambulance crews


    Cambridge ambulance crews have been given a special hotline to request CCTV control room staff to monitor calls to potentially hazardous situations. The cameras already perform this service for the police. East Anglian Ambulance trust has promised to support the prosecution of anyone caught assaulting staff.

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    In brief: Dudley Group of Hospitals trust


    About 600 Unison members have begun a week-long strike against transfer out of the NHS in a private finance initiative deal at Dudley Group of Hospitals trust. The mainly ancillary workers have already staged a two-day and a four-day strike. Last week, West Midlands regional office chair Clive Wilkinson visited ...

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    In brief: Selly Oak Hospital


    Seven military nurses have reported for duty at the accident and emergency unit of Selly Oak Hospital in Birmingham. A new national Centre for Defence Medicine is being established at University Hospital Birmingham trust and should be fully operational from next April.

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    One 2 One argument


    London's Hammersmith Hospitals trust has defended accepting £20,000 from a mobile phone company in return for the use of Charing Cross Hospital's name in a television advertisement.

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    Services 'will go down the tubes in NI if system is not improved'


    Health provision will 'go down the tubes' in Northern Ireland unless a better system is set up, a leading doctor has warned.

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    MPs press for CHC abolition meeting


    MPs on the House of Commons all-party committee on community health councils are to meet ministers for urgent discussions in the wake of the NHS plan's decision to abolish CHCs.

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    'Save A&E' campaign hits HA


    Health authorities covering Brighton and Haywards Heath have been forced to defend themselves from a newspaper campaign to 'save' a local accident and emergency department.

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    Project makes investment plea over capital's shifting ethnic mix


    Public health experts have called for investment in elderly people's healthcare to take account of London's diverse multi-ethnic population.

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    Mental health blueprint spells out safety plan for the young


    Mental health experts have drawn up a blueprint detailing how the government should deliver its promise to guarantee early and intensive support for young people with psychosis.

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    Deprived areas hit by underspending


    Some of the most deprived areas outside London are spending well below the money nominally allocated for mental health services, according to a national survey by researchers at the Institute of Psychiatry.

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    MP who was 'champion of the underdog'dies


    Veteran Labour MP Audrey Wise, a long-standing member of the Commons health select committee, has died aged 65.

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    Needlestick injuries on the increase


    Unison has called for the number of healthcare workers exposed to viruses such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV as a result of needlestick injuries to be monitored as part of its campaign for a ban on 'old-fashioned, unsafe needles' and the introduction of retractable needles or needles with ...

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    Deficit increased at Bart's as a result of directive


    Implementing the EU working-time directive has added £1.6m to the income and expenditure deficit of Barts and the London trust, according to a report to its board. The trust had an income and expenditure deficit of £2.98m at the end of 1999-2000 and all but one clinical directorate were overspent. ...

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    Discretionary points scheme to end with buy-out


    Glasgow Primary Care trust is to 'buy out' nurses with a one-off, £500 payment to end the discretionary points scheme.

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    Emergency calls increased and service improved


    Scottish Ambulance Service has reported another rise in demand. Its annual report shows it responded to 495,248 emergency calls last year, an increase of 8,709 on the previous year. Air ambulance demand increased by almost 8 per cent to 2,645 missions and the service also dealt with 2.3 million non-emergency ...