Latest news – Page 2517

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    HA board could face 'coup' by community


    Lincolnshire health authority leaders who faced a referendum calling for them to stand down are now being threatened with a 'coup' by community-nominated replacements.

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    Specialists to aid GPs with asylum seekers


    Leicestershire health authority has promised to bring in a team of specialist nurses and link workers to help GPs cope with an influx of more than 400 asylum seekers, many with serious mental and physical illnesses.

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    Days like this


    Health authorities will not have completed genuine separation of their purchasing and providing functions by the government's deadline of next April, according to King's Fund fellow Chris Ham. He predicts it could take three years. His report for the NHS Management Executive, Holding on While Letting Go , says: 'It ...

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    Something completely different


    The NHS plan could be the death knell for regional offices, or it could mean they'll be busier than ever. Mark Gould assesses their future

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    Health managers to allocate budgets for CJD care


    Chief medical officer Professor Liam Donaldson has advised health managers to use Health Act powers to create pooled budgets that can be 'activated when necessary' to care for Creutzfeldt Jakob disease sufferers. In guidance for healthcare workers on dealing with the disease, Professor Donaldson says patients with degenerative conditions, such ...

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    Police reject leukaemia death protest against


    Liberal Democrat MP and Isle of Wight GP Peter Brand is to face no further action over remarks he made in the House of Commons in January during a debate on the proposed Medical Treatment (Prevention of Euthanasia) Bill, which subsequently failed. Hampshire police received a complaint after Dr Brand ...

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    Welsh waiting lists record rise and fall in numbers


    Welsh waiting lists have dipped again, falling 400 in the month to the end of July to 80,111.

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    Scots call for ban on amputations of healthy limbs


    Scottish polticians have called on Scottish health minister Susan Deacon to initiate legislation preventing the amputation of healthy limbs anywhere in Scotland following an application by Robert Smith, a surgeon at Falkirk and District Royal Infirmary, to carry out the procedure at a private hospital. Mr Smith caused controversy earlier ...

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    Week-long strike call as Unison members escalate PFI dispute


    Unison members have voted for a week-long strike in a further escalation of their dispute over a private finance initiative deal in Dudley.

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    NHS in Scotland faces massive bill to end 'blatant'pay discrimination


    The NHS in Scotland faces a massive backdated holiday pay bill from nurses who say they have been discriminated against under the European Union law.

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    Timetable warning for NHS plan


    London regional director Nigel Crisp has warned the chief executives of the capital's health authorities, trusts and primary care trusts that there will be a 'very complex and very long' process to implement the NHS plan.

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    In Brief: online consultation on the future of waiting lists


    The British Medical Association in Scotland has launched an online consultation on the future of waiting lists, to feed into the forthcoming NHS plan for Scotland. Internal policy documents have been put on line for the first time and views can be e-mailed from the site.

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    In Brief: consultation paper on data matching


    The Public Audit Forum has published a consultation paper on data matching - the comparison of separate sets of personal data to identify differences that can be used as an audit tool, particularly in detecting fraud.

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    In Brief: 'action for equity in Europe' statement


    Stephen Hawkins, acting chair of Liverpool health authority, and Mike Storey, leader of Liverpool city council, have signed the World Health Organisation's 'action for equity in Europe' statement, which commits them to addressing inequalities in health. Mr Hawkins said this showed the HA's 'commitment to delivering real action'.

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    In Brief: private finance initiative contract


    Northern Birmingham Mental Health trust has signed a private finance initiative contract to replace two Victorian hospitals with smaller, purpose-built facilities, create five inpatient units and create a day hospital for older patients. The total value of the contract is £120m over its 35 years.

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    In Brief: Greater Glasgow health council complaints


    Greater Glasgow health council dealt with 425 complaints relating to NHS services last year - a 29 per cent increase on the previous year. Most of the increase was due to complaints about plans to site a secure unit in the grounds of Stobhill Hospital.

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    In Brief: Correction


    MHA was mistakenly called MAH in the Open Space 'Closer to Home', published in HSJ on 10 August.

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    Private sector may have to pay when patients transfer to NHS


    Government and private healthcare negotiators are locked in talks about whether the private sector should pick up the tab when its patients are transferred to NHS intensive care.

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    Sign up


    Yasmin Coskun (left), an advocate and translator, examines a talking sign at the Whittington Hospital in London with patient Hawa Ozkaya.