Latest news – Page 2518

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    Concerns grow over clinical consequences of merger


    Consultants and patient groups have signalled their opposition to a merger of trusts involved in a controversial £250m private finance initiative hospital rebuilding project.

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    Asian GPs'procedures under the microscope


    The Commission for Racial Equality has been asked to investigate why Asian GPs appear to be involved in most of the performance procedures carried out in Greater Manchester.

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    'No shows' bill may top £185m


    Patients' failures to keep GP appointments could be costing the NHS up to £185m a year, according to a survey by Doctor Pat ient Partnership and the Institute of Healthcare Management.

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    Short Cuts: Minimum wage campaign to visit music festivals


    Unison is planning to take its campaign to raise the minimum wage to music festivals in Reading, Leeds and Glasgow this bank holiday Monday - with support from Sid and Nancy the motorised wheelie bins, Rosa the nurse and 12ft-high puppets of political figures including chancellor Gordon Brown and shadow ...

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    Short Cuts: Audit office support for properly managed risks


    The National Audit Office has supported moves to persuade government departments to take more risks - as long as they are properly managed. It says 'a constructive approach to risk taking can provide services in new ways', but managing risk is important to ensure better service delivery, minimise waste and ...

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    Short Cuts: Stem cell research and response welcomed


    The Academy of Medical Sciences has welcomed the report of chief medical officer Professor Liam Donaldson on stem cell research and the government's response to it. The report, Stem Cell Research: medical progress with responsibility , recommends an extension of embryo research and says that research involving cell nuclear replacement ...

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    Short Cuts: New chief executive for Environment Agency


    Baroness Young of Old Scone, a former NHS chief executive and prominent member of the Institute of Health Services Management , has been appointed chief executive of the Environment Agency. Baroness Young was chief executive of Parkside health authority from 1991 to 1998, and was the first woman president of ...

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    Short Cuts: GP practices to go online by next year


    Oxfordshire health authority has announced plans to link the county's 89 GP practices to the Internet and NHSnet by March next year. The plan will be taken forward with £282,000 from the government's £60m investment in IT announced in June. All Oxfordshire hospitals will also be linked to the new ...

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    Short Cuts: Beta interferon prescription service backed


    Welsh Liberal Democrats have backed calls by the Multiple Sclerosis Society for the Welsh Assembly to make beta interferon available on prescription. Health spokeswoman Kirsty Williams said she thought the Assembly should 'go it alone' in making the drug available. The National Institute for Clinical Excellence is still debating the ...

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    GMC flexes muscles in bid to curb abuses


    The General Medical Council has used newly acquired powers to suspend or restrict three doctors while investigations take place into suspected poor performance.

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    Flight of fancy


    Three year-old Dillawar Syed investigates a bronze statue of Peter Pan created by Dairmuid Byron O'Connor and placed outside Great Ormond Street Hospital.Author JM Barrie gave all the rights to 'Peter Pan' to the hospital. Kit Palmer, head of development for Peter Pan, said the statue would provide a 'lasting ...

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    Doctors strengthen NHS plan opposition


    GPs and hospital doctors have repeated and strengthened their opposition to key elements of the government's NHS plan.

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    Drop in applications blamed on rule change


    The leader of the UK's deans of medical schools has said a change in the rules on how many places students can apply to is behind an apparent drop in applications.

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    Scots medical chief bows out with 'healthier nation' claim


    Sir David Carter has delivered his last annual report as Scotland's chief medical officer, arguing Scotland has become 'healthier' since he took up the post in 1996, but accepting it is 'nowhere near healthy enough'.

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    Budget boon: how young people will benefit


    Scotland's share of additional tobacco tax revenues earmarked for health in the last Budget w i l l be targeted at ch i ldren and young people . Schemes to be funded include fresh fruit for infants and more school breakfast clubs; free toothpaste and toothbrushes for 100,000 children in ...

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    Toast fans feel the heat


    A Scottish hospital has collected 280 illicit toasters following an amnesty.

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    Days like this


    Nurse suspended. . .More waiting lists. . .HEA alarm at shake-up. . .HAs launch health service lottery. . .Medical laboratory officer overpaid. . .

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    Pick your own


    Does the NHS plan deliver on Tony Blair's grand vision for transforming the delivery of public health, or is it just a list of things to do? Lyn Whitfield looks at what it has to offer

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    Mixed blessing


    What do you get if you cross health and social services? A 'care trust', apparently, and they look set to be the Next Big Thing. Tash Shifrin reports

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    Signs of the times


    Two pages of the NHS plan are given over to a collection of signatures from the great and the good. HSJ asked a handwriting expert to tell us what they revealed.