Latest news – Page 2521

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    Changing times for nurses: a long way to go



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    Welcome suggestions for advocacy service



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    'Patient-centredness'will be ultimate test



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    Out of order


    The government's promise of £300m for new equipment comes after two decades of under-investment, which have left much life-saving machinery obsolete. Colin Connolly reports

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    Counter argument


    The NHS plan proposes a much wider role for community pharmacies - and this is long overdue, says Nick Bosanquet

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    Local counsel


    An enterprising recruitment scheme is tackling the under-representation of people from ethnic minorities in the NHS and social care workforce by nurturing talent on its own doorstep. Janet Snell reports

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    in person


    Terence Etherton QC, chair of Broadmoor Hospital Authority, has been appointed chair designate ofWest London Mental Health trust. The new organisation will take over the management of health services provided by the authority and Ealing, Hammersmith and Fulham Mental Health trust next April.

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    Items are entered free for public sector, voluntary and professional organisations, but we need at least six weeks' notice of your event. Please send details to Uli Jaeger, HSJ , Greater London House, Hampstead Road, London NW1 7EJ. Fax: 020-7874 0254.

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    Electronic records on hold in PFI deal


    A unique deal to provide a sophisticated electronic patient record system as part of a private finance initiative scheme has been put on hold, less than two years after it was signed.

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    Nurses see through dress code


    West Country nurses have been warned to choose their underwear with care following the reissue of a trust's uniform policy.

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    Fast-track heart teams's spark spin row


    The government has named 10 'fast-track' teams which will receive £1m each to tackle heart disease.

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    NHS plan faces race allegation


    A doctors' leader has referred the NHS plan to the Commission for Racial Equality on the grounds that it may discriminate against ethnic, singlehanded GPs.

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    No trouble


    Brookside actresses Alexandra Fletcher (left) and Karen Drury join Mersey Regional Ambulance trust technician Kate Hodgers at the launch of a 'zero tolerance zone' campaign highlighting violence against ambulance staff.

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    News: Royal Colleges of Physicians


    The faculty of public health medicine of the Royal Colleges of Physicians of the UK has issued a chronology detailing key parliamentary acts, inquiries and other events that have been used by central and local government to provide or regulate medical care, public health and welfare services since 1066. It ...

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    News: Jane Hutt


    Welsh health secretary Jane Hutt has announced £1m of funding over two years for research into community health development. Seven projects will be funded as part of SHARP (Sustainable Health Action Research Programme).