Latest news – Page 2522

  • News

    News: Dental action plan


    Scotland has decided to spend part of its share of the additional money raised by increased tobacco taxes on a three-year programme to provide free toothbrushes and toothpaste for infants in deprived areas. The initiative is part of a dental action plan announced this week. One target is that 60 ...

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    News: Department of Health


    The Department of Health has allocated £5m for 'highly specialised' child and adolescent mental health in-patient services, as part of a £90m three-year package announced last year.The money will provide at least 20 extra beds, regional and sub-regional arrangements for emergency admission and assessment, and increases in specialised intensive outreach ...

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    News: Multiple Sclerosis Society


    The Multiple Sclerosis Society is creating a national resource centre as part of its move to north London. The society has kept its freephone helpline number, 0808 800 8000, and its website,

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    Backlog of tests after donor plea


    A family's appeal for a bone marrow donor has left the National Blood Authority struggling with a backlog of 3,000 unchecked blood samples.

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    SNP challenges Executive over transfer of equipment funding


    The Scottish National Party has accused the Scottish Executive of colluding with NHS trusts over the transfer of money meant for capital purchases into debt reduction.

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    Scots Conservatives won't push private care


    The Scottish Conservative Party is likely to take a softer line on expanding the private healthcare sector than its English counterpart.

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    Shipman case sparks monitoring of GPs


    Dumfries and Galloway health board has decided to monitor GP death rates in the wake of the Harold Shipman case, in a move opposed by GP leaders.

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    NHS modernisation research fund proposed


    A consultation paper has been issued by the Department of Health on the future of NHS research and development. The paper proposes a new modernisation fund to 'help align funding with priorities', a review of health authority-funded R&D, which is currently excluded from the NHS R&D levy, and a review ...

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    Boroughs' bid to go to Lords over appeal court ruling


    Four local authorities are applying for leave to appeal to the House of Lords after failing to overturn a High Court decision that four people sectioned under the 1983 Mental Health Act were not required to pay for specialist accommodation after they were discharged from hospital. The Appeal Court ruled ...

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    Smokers pledged to quit in their thousands


    Figures issued last week show that almost 15,000 people set 'quit dates' to give up smoking through new programmes developed by health action zones in England last year. But just 39 per cent of the 14,600 people who set dates had actually given up when they were followed up four ...

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    West Surrey HA ads were not misleading


    The Advertising Standards Authority has dismissed a complaint about West Surrey health authority and Ashford and St Peter's Hospitals trust by MP David Wilshire.The MP complained that the advertisements about the future of emergency services at Ashford Hospital were misleading.The ASA concluded they were not.HA chief executive Jenny Griffiths said ...

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    Special hospital to become part of county-wide trust


    Ministers have approved proposals to bring Rampton special hospital into a county-wide NHS trust from next April. Nottinghamshire Healthcare trust will bring together Rampton, Central Nottinghamshire Healthcare trust, Nottingham Healthcare trust and some services from Bassetlaw Hospital and Community Services trust and Rotherham Priority Health Services trust.

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    MP demands public probe into drinking water over fear of cancer/chlorine link nking water over


    The government is being urged to launch a public health probe into possible links between chlorinated tap water, cancer and problems in pregnancy.

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    Unions protest at ' low ' pay for supernurses


    Nursing unions have written to health secretary Alan Milburn in protest at the low pay being offered to 'supernurses'.

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    DoH clarifies 'patient group directions'mix-up


    The government has quietly issued a circular on 'patient group directions' following 'an error' in the NHS plan about nurse prescribing.

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    Race equality advisers appointed in Wales


    Two race equality advisers are to work within the NHS in Wales. Michael Banner and Dee Hines-Johnson are being employed by Bro Taf health authority in posts funded by the Welsh Assembly for two years. Mr Banner has worked on race and equality issues for 12 years. Ms Hines-Johnson has ...

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    Monitor likes to think of itself as a benign force; the voice of humanity, perhaps, in an ever-changing world. Imagine the shock, then, to find that one of Monitor's treasured readers had taken offence at attempts to provide a wee bit of cheeky relief amid the torrents of national plannery. ...

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    Dear Mel. . .


    During the recent hot weather we found the temperature in our wards went up dramatically. Unfortunately, we had insufficient fans to refresh our patients and they became rather over-heated. What should I do?

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    Appeal Court ruling creates new anomaly in care charging


    An Appeal Court ruling has created a further anomaly in care charging policies, while raising concerns that the cost will force cuts in mental health services.

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    Points mean prizes


    Junior health minister Lord Hunt has launched a scheme with high street retailer Boots to encourage people to become organ donors.