Latest news – Page 2524

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    Bed spread


    The government is to invest £900m in intermediate care ser v ices des igned to keep o lder peop le out of hospital. Liverpool already has experience of using nursing home beds as alternatives to hospital care. The city has a large independent nursing home sector and, against a background ...

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    A new way through


    How can primary care organisations and hospitals ensure effective integrated care? Donald Light and Michael Dixon suggest collaborative contracting is the key

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    Closer to home


    Although many hospital patients would be better off at home, intermediate care is regarded with scepticism in many quarters. A shift in attitudes is called for, according to Jacqueline Mallender and Andrew Richman

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    Friends and relations


    Personal medical services pilot schemes have been slow to develop links with key organisations. Nicola Walsh and colleagues report

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    Hitching a ride


    Primary care and social services Developing new partnerships for older people By Kirstein Rummery and Caroline Glendinning Radcliffe Medical Press 114 pages £15.95

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    The good, the bad and the ugly


    Caring for older people An assessment of community care in the 1990s By Linda Bauld, John Chesterman, Bleddyn Davies, Ken Judge, Roshni Mangalore Ashgate 408 pages £49.95

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    Recipe for success


    The trained nurse's teaching pack No 2 By Gill Early and Sarah Miller Age Concern 69 pages, 39 overhead transparencies £35+£1.99 p&p

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    Successful promotion of the benefits of breastfeeding requires balanced co-ordination of education and peer support for mothers, as well as training for healthcare staff, write Lisa Fairbank and Sue O'Meara

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    in person


    Melvyn Ellis will be leaving Herefordshire health authority at the end of October to become chief executive of South Staffordshire health authority. Mr Ellis has worked in Herefordshire for almost five years and seen through a number of developments, including a new hospital for Hereford.

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    Health and social services 11 September, London The Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy is running a course on 'The interface between health and social services: achieving financial harmony'.The event covers the future agenda for further change, joint financing, audit arrangements, community care issues and case studies.

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    Overseas nursing drive 'must be ethical'


    Junior health minister Lord Hunt has pledged that overseas recruitment to find 20,000 extra nurses for the NHS in four years will 'have to be done on an ethical basis in countries with a surplus of staff '.

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    'Hit squad' head cool on red-light move


    The head of the national patient access team has moved to distance herself from the government's decision to 'name and shame' seven trusts over their waiting-list performance.

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    MPs want super-ombudsman to be gateway for complaints


    MPs have called for a super-ombudsman service to replace the separate watchdogs for Parliament, local government and the health service.

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    GPs protest over plans for contracts shake-up


    GP leaders have attacked the NHS plan for setting 'unrealistic' targets in its call for family doctors to move to new contracts and limiting increases in the workforce.

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    News: Medical Defence Union


    The Medical Defence Union paid out a record £77m to patients last year, up from £65m in 1998 and £48m in 1997.Chief executive Dr Michael Saunders said the estimated value of known claims against the doctors' insurer was £287m.He attributed the rise 'not to a fall in clinical standards' but ...

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    News: English and Welsh cancer services


    The Commission for Health Improvement and the Audit Commission are to examine a random selection of health organisations as part of a review of cancer services. The findings will be used to assess progress in implementing the 1995 Calman-Hine report and the 1996 Cameron report on English and Welsh cancer ...

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    News: Trust merge


    North East Lincolnshire trust and Scunthorpe and Goole Hospitals trust have welcomed ministerial approval to merge the two organisations from 1 April next year.

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    News: Worthing and Southlands Hospitals trust


    All 3,000 staff at Worthing and Southlands Hospitals trust have been asked to 'tighten their belts' in a letter from chief executive Martin Smits as part of plans to reduce the trust's £3m overspend, which was £4m at the end of March.

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    News: National Childbirth Trust


    The National Childbirth Trust has called for 'one-stop information shops' to be set up in health centres and hospitals. A study found seven out of 10 first-time mothers wanted more information on everything from possible interventions in pregnancy to how to get back into shape.