Latest news – Page 2525

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    Union blasts PFI firm over shifts


    The company running non- clinical services at the country's first private finance initiative hospital has been accused of scrapping 'family friendly' shift patterns and forcing 40 cleaners into taking redundancy.

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    Action promised as LAS admits failure to meet modest targets


    London Ambulance Service trust has promised action after admitting that it has failed to meet 'even modest performance targets' and cannot always provide a clinically safe service.

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    Performance demands exceeded


    Mersey Regional Ambulance Serv ice trust is boasting success as the first urban ambulance trust to beat new government performance targets on emergency response times.

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    Scottish control centres set to close


    Scottish Ambulance Service is proposing to reduce its control rooms from eight to two or three.

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    Strike action to be stepped up


    Unison members have voted to escalate strike action at Dudley Group of Hospitals trust in a dispute over a private finance initiative deal.Almost 600 mainly ancillary staff, who went on strike for 48 hours last week against transfer out of the NHS, have voted for seven-day strike action.

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    Lottery preferred to extra taxes to aid NHS


    A MORI poll has shown limited support for increased taxes to support the NHS. Of a sample of 2,014 adults questioned, 74 per cent said the National Lottery was their prefered option for additional funds, while 42 per cent supported diverting money from other areas of government spending and a ...

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    Rich countries fail to respond to Africa appeals


    Wealthy nations are failing to support World Health Organisation appeals for emergency health programmes in countries hit by war, population displacement and natural disaster, according to WHO figures. Five out of 21 appeals issued through the United Nations this year have failed to attract any support and four have achieved ...

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    £2m allotted to promote pre-school programmes


    Northern Ireland health minister Bairbre de Brun has allocated £2m to get the Sure Start programme underway.The programme, already running in other parts of the UK, is intended to promote the development of pre-school children, focusing on deprived areas. Ms de Brun said some areas of particular need had not ...

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    Pathology modernisation spending decided


    The government has announced £15m of spending on 23 projects from the pathology modernisation fund. The projects, which include money for modernisation, information technology, pathology reorganisation, training, and new screening services, were chosen by an independent steering group. Junior health minister Lord Hunt said they set the pattern for pathology ...

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    MPs 'frustrated' by difficulty in changing NHS


    The National Audit Office has saved the taxpayer £1.3bn over the past three years, meeting its target to save £8 for every £1 it costs to run, Sir John Bourn, head of the NAO, said as it released its annual report last week.Four reports issued over the past year looked ...

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    Acute pressure begins to build as Hutt issues winter advice


    Welsh trusts were running at full capacity last week as guidance aimed at relieving acute pressures next winter was issued by health secretary Jane Hutt.

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    Payout packages attacked by MSPs


    Scottish opposition parties have attacked the £2.8m paid in early retirement packages to senior NHS managers as part of trust restructuring.

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    Tayside finds way to cut £6.3m from debt


    Cash-strapped Tayside University Hospitals trust has agreed a package of measures to reduce its deficit by £6.3m a year to balance the books by the end of March 2002.

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    Review for NI acute services


    An independent review of acute hospital services in Northern Ireland is underway as part of a plan to develop health and personal social services published this week.

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    'Shocked' CHCs bite back in row over abolition


    Patient watchdogs have attacked the government's NHS plan, warning it will reduce public monitoring of the NHS despite its supposed 'patient focus'.

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    Something to chew on


    A reporter finds a novel use for the NHS plan after receiving a copy at the Department of Health's Richmond House headquarters in London.

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    Livingstone heads for fluoride dispute


    Cracks have appeared in the relationship between the Greater London Assembly and London regional office over whether to put fluoride in the capital's water.

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    Plans for pay system and bonuses take flak


    Talks on a new pay system for the health service have stalled, while the NHS plan's proposals for 'cash incentives' for staff performance have sparked union anger.

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    In Brief: public consultation on two mental health strategies


    Welsh health secretary Jane Hutt has launched public consultation on two mental health strategies for Wales - one covering adult services and one on provision for children and adolescents.

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    In Brief: Welsh waiting lists have dipped


    Welsh waiting lists have dipped by 300, prompting Ms Hutt to say she expected to see 'further falls in coming months'.On 30 June, 80,969 patients were waiting for inpatient or day-case treatment, down from 81,251 at the end of May.The number of people waiting more than 18 months fell by ...