Latest news – Page 2528

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    Why do agencies not provide any information?



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    Trading places


    The idea that nurses could retrain to be doctors might have been unthinkable at one time. But the national plan includes provision for nurses to retrain mid-career without starting from scratch. Some have already made the switch. Janet Snell reports

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    This is your pilot speaking


    The national plan envisages that a third of all GPs will be on personal medical services contracts by 2002.But a study of pilot schemes reveals that not all are using the freedoms and flexibilities offered by the legislation. June Hunt ington and colleagu

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    Medical Insurance


    A comparison of five countries' health payment systems reveals that where private insurance dominates, fewer people get the healthcare they need, says John Appleby

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    in person


    Robert Hinton is the new director of finance at West Midlands Ambulance Service trust.He previously worked for South Birmingham Community Health trust as director of finance and information, having joined the NHS in 1981 from industry.

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    Items are entered free for public sector, voluntary and professional organisations, but we need at least six weeks' notice of your event. Please send details to Uli Jaeger, HSJ , Greater London House, Hampstead Road, London NW1 7EJ. Fax: 020-7874 0254.

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    Those of you working on the coal-face, so to speak, or near it, or in a rather plush office from which you can almost smell it, may well be cocooned from the deluge of serious issues that hit the NHS daily. And what a mass there is: if only there ...

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    The net wears thin



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    In Brief: guaranteed national levels of service


    The NHS Information Authority has guaranteed national levels of service from NHSnet following an upgrade of its messaging service. The deal - involving an amended contract with Syntegra, the messaging arm of BT - guarantees delivery times, free one-stop support services and access to a national web-based e-mail address book ...

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    In Brief: need for collaborative approaches


    A procurement review of NHS IT has stressed the need for collaborative approaches and agreed national standards.

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    In Brief: Local NHS performance information


    Local NHS performance information is to be published on the Internet by the end of the year. All local NHS organisations will be obliged to provide web-based information on how health and social care services are performing, together with details of how to access local services such as GPs and ...

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    NHSnet funding boost


    A chunk of the £60m IT Budget money allocated to the NHS will go towards speeding up new information technology, particularly communications via NHSnet.

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    Joint focus for ERDIP sites


    The second phase of the national electronic records development implementation programme has been set up with an extra £5.85m for 13 demonstrator sites (see below).

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    Visions of the future


    Security issues in the public sector have come into sharp focus as the government has prioritised patient confidentiality. So how secure are personal NHS records, asks Jane Dudman

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    Channel swapping


    Videoconferencing links offer a promising new channel of communication for health professionals and for their clients. But manufacturers and users still have a few changes to make before telemedicine becomes widespread, writes Jane Dudman

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    Homing in on a new goal


    The national plan may have moved the NHS Information Authority's goalposts again but the organisation is embracing the opportunities it offers and has found its strategic direction, its director of stakeholder relations tells Maura Thompson

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    Easy money?


    The search is on to find a replacement for the NHS payroll system. Many demands mean it is not a simple task, as Wayne Lloyd points out

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    In Brief: Sharing Clinical Information in the Primary Care Team project


    A pilot project designed for sharing information between health and social care has been established by the national Assembly for Wales.

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    In Brief: telemedicine solutions


    Paediatric consultants at Guy's and St Thomas' in London are using telemedicine solutions from Agilent Technologies to transmit paediatric ECG data across NHSnet. Digital data can be transferred to video to allow specialist diagnosis of congenital heart conditions. The link has been established between Guy's and West Suffolk trust, but ...

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    In Brief: WirelessMed launched

    2000-08-03T00:00:00Z, the online medical community, has launched WirelessMed, the first wireless application protocol service to link directly to Medline.