Latest news – Page 2530

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    Short Cuts: Adult smoking levels down over two decades


    Public health minister Yvette Cooper has welcomed a compilation of statistics on smoking from 1978 onwards that show it has dropped among adults. The figures show that in 1998, 27 per cent of adults aged 16 and over smoked cigarettes, a drop from 40 per cent in 1978.But the prevalence ...

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    Short Cuts: Dentists to lose right to give general anaesthetics


    Dentists will be banned from giving general anaesthetics in their practices from 2002 following a review by chief medical officer Professor Liam Donaldson. Between 1996 and 1999, eight people died while receiving general anaesthetic in a dentist's surgery, of whom five were children. Any practices continuing to give general anaesthetics ...

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    Short Cuts: Call for ban on burger vans outside school gates


    The Community Practitioners' and Health Visitors' Association has called for burger vans to be banned from outside school gates to add to moves to improve children's eating habits.

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    Short Cuts: Affordable housing vital for Livingstone


    London mayor Ken Livingstone has set up a housing commission to advise on affordable housing and develop planning policies to create more low-cost homes. The establishment of the commission fulfils one of Mr Livingstone's election pledges. He said it was vital to tackle the 'housing crisis' in London which had ...

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    Short Cuts: Cancer care programme to be extended in Wales


    The National Institute for Clinical Excellence has been asked to extend its programme on cancer care in Wales. NICE will carry out a two-year programme to provide guidance for clinicians and managers on the organisation of cancer services, minimum standards, access to new drugs and support for cancer patients and ...

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    Short Cuts: Council votes to sort cash crisis with outside help


    Local councillors have voted to call in the auditor general for Scotland to investigate the cash crisis at Tayside University Hospitals trust. Members of Angus council unanimously voted to write to Robert Black to ask him to investigate the £11.1m overspend and the £8m deficit forecast for this year. Although ...

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    Role model


    Samantha Wilkinson, a year nine student at the Dixons city technology college in Bradford, investigates a Bart Simpson model designed as part of a project to help children understand asthma.

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    Surgeons admit no evidence of value for money in trauma plans


    The Royal College of Surgeons has demanded a major re-organisation of trauma services, while admitting there is no evidence this would be costeffective.

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    Legal ruling may see CHI go public


    A landmark court ruling could force the Commission for Health Improvement to hold its investigations in public.

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    Trust to be questioned on conduct during Neale case


    Northallerton Health Services trust is facing tough questions over why it gave gynaecologist Richard Neale a £100,000 payoff, bought his private consulting rooms and gave him a reference that allowed him to practise at other hospitals.

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    MPs call for 'pilot' elections to trusts


    MPs have urged the government to consider elections for members of trust and health authority boards.

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    Days like this


    Community reforms held up. . .Alan Langlands appointed. . .PM asked for pay guarantees. . .Fewer women appointed. . . north-south split

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    Ex-nurses wooed for the winter


    The NHS is begging recently retired nurses to return to work this winter and offering trusts funding to persuade 'key staff ' to stay on until next spring.

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    Casting a verdict on history


    Landmark? Last chance? Election winner? Will today's national plan for the NHS fulfil the many hopes invested in it? Kaye McIntosh asks key players for their assessment

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    Recovery positions


    The General Medical Council is under attack but, Seamus Ward reports, its rearguard action is well underway

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    Ghetto blasters


    The need to end the exclusion of public health was the theme of Commons health select committee discussions this week. Ann McGauran listened in

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    Crash course


    NHS trainee managers were hanging on to their hats last week when they piloted their way through HSJ's one-day simulation event. Tash Shifrin reports on the ups and downs of the day

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    Time to end our barrier grief



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