Latest news – Page 2532

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    In Brief: The NHS has built 87 major hospitals between 1980 and 1999


    The NHS has built 87 major hospitals between 1980 and 1999, with the most productive years being 1988 and 1991, when nine hospitals with a capital value of over £25m (at today's prices) went up in each year. Not included in the figures were the 38 major hospitals that have ...

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    In Brief: The Department of Health commissioned 42 pieces of market and opinion research


    The Department of Health commissioned 42 pieces of market and opinion research during 1999-2000, of which 11 involved focus groups, and 12 involved 'other market research' (the remainder are 'quantitative surveys'). Some 31 are listed as 'not published'. (Hansard , 17 July, col 65w)

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    in person


    Hilary Pepler has been appointed chief executive of North Wales trust.

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    Items are entered free for public sector, voluntary and professional organisations, but we need at least six weeks' notice of your event. Please send details to Uli Jaeger, HSJ , Greater London House, Hampstead Road, London NW1 7EJ. Fax: 020-7874 0254. E-mail: Due to pressure on space, publication cannot ...

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    Management consultancy is a stressful game - and between Powerpoint presentations and trips to the service station to get more 'business cards' printed there's always a spot of Countdown to keep the grey cells ticking over. Top marks, then, to Crew Services, who promise to take the mystique out of ...

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    Dear Mel. . .


    Our hospital social club has just started running 'exotic' entertainment evenings. On Tuesdays it's a hen night for the ladies with male strippers and so on, while Thursdays are stag nights for the lads with the female variety. The club makes quite a lot of money which it donates to ...

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    Regular consumers of this page may remember one Dr Tara Fields, a lady doctor and Yankee to boot. (In the interests of Monitor's continued fight against institutional jokes about people not from round here, it should be noted that violence against Americans is reckless and not much fun. ) But ...

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    'Climate of fear' mars push to create PCTs


    The government is at risk of 'derailing' its own reform of primary care, according to research by the NHS Alliance.

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    Nurses to ballot over on-call pay


    Managers at a landmark private finance initiative scheme in Carlisle are facing industrial action from staff in three departments.

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    Days like this


    Internal market and waiting times. . . Funding to remove patients from lists. . . Trust applications. . . Limited powers for HAs. . . And CHCs

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    A dose of scepticism


    As pressure groups, drug companies and others express their doubts about the National Institute for Clinical Excellence, Lynn Eaton meets its beleaguered chief executive

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    Empowerment to the people


    Professor Aidan Halligan insists he's not one of the great and the good, but he tells Kaye McIntosh that his clinical governance support team is about delivering a 'patient-centred, staff-owned quality health service'

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    Mind how you go


    Speculation about Scottish health minister Susan Deacon's future continues apace. Colin Wright reports

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    Paddington plans laid bare


    An ambitious scheme to transform heart and lung services at one site in west London will shake up hospitals in the capital. Laura Donnelly reports

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    In the wars


    After a growing number of horrifying attacks on hospital staff, trusts are getting tough with their assailants. Phil Coleman reports

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    Time to turn the tables and give NHS data it deserves


    Performance indicators are essential part of service's accountability

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    Shhhhhh, whisper who dares. . .


    . . . but increase in manager workforce is cause for celebration

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    Retro chic rules the roost


    Sometimes it seems as if the NHS is not so much being modernised as going back in time - a case of 'back to the future'.

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    If you want to know whether the porters at Huddersfield trust have been trained in safe ways to lift and handle patients or equipment (they have), or whether Royal West Sussex trust can claim that its discharge care planning documents are an integral part of its clinical records (not yet ...

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    Damned by the Dame who looks down from on high


    When Tory MP Graham Brady rang to say he'd just held a revealing debate on patronage in health boards, I commiserated. That was all well and good, but didn't he know that Tony Blair had just staged a rare press conference, White House-style, at Number 10? Or that ministers were ...