Latest news – Page 2538

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    Thornton urges ministers to think beyond the national plan


    NHS Confederation chief executive Stephen Thornton (right) warned the government of the 'danger of cynicism in the service' as it moves to life 'beyond the national plan'.

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    How was it for you? The best and worst of the conference


    Good conference

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    Glasgow rangers


    The Gorbals has got a bit of a reputation - infamous, notorious, hard. Just the sort of place for a coach party of senior NHS managers, in fact.

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    Thornton calls for leadership academy


    Only 'effective leadership' would deliver the government's national plan, NHS Confederation chief executive Stephen Thornton told delegates. He said the confederation wanted to see a 'leadership academy' identifying talent, promoting NHS values and educating leaders. 'At present we do not value leadership enough, ' he said, calling for the development ...

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    'Don't focus on pay incentives'


    Managers urged the government not to focus on pay incentives for staff in its national plan. The move came in response to speculation that the plan, due to be launched this month, will back performance related pay. After just 45 per cent of delegates voted in favour of individual pay ...

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    Warning over increased centralisation


    King's Fund policy analyst Dr Jennifer Dixon told a fringe meeting that the national plan was likely to impose 'yet more central direction on the health service'. Managers and professionals needed 'time, space and trust' to develop new ideas. 'They need to focus on developing the services that people actually ...

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    Foster predicts one regulatory body


    The plan could also see the emergence of a single professional regulatory body, confederation human resources policy director Andrew Foster told a conference seminar. He said a 'convergence' was likely, 'possibly to a single regulatory body, but certainly to a single process'.

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    Swings and roundabouts in Scotland


    Scottish health minister Susan Deacon (below) announced an £8.4m boost for the NHS in Scotland which, she said, would fund an additional 110 medical and 210 nursing posts. Half of the 100 junior doctor posts will be for staff working in flexible posts. But the announcement was overshadowed by the ...

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    New wave of intermediate aid 'will be key part of national plan'


    The creation of a new service within the NHS providing intermediate care not just to older people, but children, people with disabilities, learning disabilities and mental illness will be a 'huge element' of the national plan, delegates heard.

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    Managers slam 'poor' care


    Health service managers have slammed the quality of patient care in their own hospitals. More than 37 per cent of those who voted at the NHS Confederation conference said their own experience as patients was 'poor' or 'very poor'.

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    Policy chief takes over as chair


    A change at the top of the NHS Confederation has seen Dianne Jeffrey take over as chair. Ms Jeffrey, chair of Community Health Service North Derbyshire trust, has taken over from Catherine McLoughlin, who led the organisation for three years.

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    Langlands hints at extra cash for the elderly


    NHS chief executive Sir Alan Langlands hinted strongly that local authorities would win significant funds for care of elderly people in the comprehensive spending review, due later this month.

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    NHS 'short of local leaders'


    The NHS is 'desperately short of leaders at local level', a senior NHS Executive director warned delegates.

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    Bid to rid non-executive role of sleaze


    Public appointments commissioner Dame Rennie Fritchie is to launch a 'public appointments week' to raise awareness of the roles of people such as NHS non-executives.

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    Delegates back 'cull' of regulators


    Demands to cut the number of watchdogs overseeing the NHS were given a cautious welcome by the regulators.

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    UK cancer survival statistics are 'misleading and demoralising'


    Media scare stories about poor UK cancer survival rates are a myth created by differences in collecting statistics between countries, Dr Harry Burns, Glasgow's director of public health, told delegates.

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    'Remove the fear' of the top


    Health service management is seen as overbearing, NHS deputy chief executive Neil McKay admitted.

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    A bit under the weather


    It has been a terrible year for doctors, and they made their feelings all too clear at the British Medical Association's annual representative meeting. Lyn Whitfield had her finger on the pulse

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    'We need to explain the uncertainty of medicine': the ethics of patient consent


    This year's ethics debate centred on issues of patient consent . Dr Michael Wilks, chair of the BMA's ethics committee, said much of the onslaught against doctors over the past year stemmed from poor communication with patients, the public and the government.

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    Don't miss out: the 'other' debates


    The ARM supported a motion condemning the introduction of walk-in centres without piloting and evaluation as 'media friendly' but 'counter-productive to the proper deployment of NHS resources'. Dr Tony Lavelle said the centres encouraged 'a generation of supermarket shufflers' to think of medical care in the same way as they ...