Latest news – Page 2539

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    Milburn takes good advice and reaps the rewards


    Fleshing out detail of national plan placated sceptical Confed audience

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    Crash course in walls


    Survival of the fittest is a principle which has passed the test of time. It is therefore a mystery to me why, when it comes to information technology, the NHS Executive bureaucracy fights against it when the dire consequences of doing so are clear to see.

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    One of the advantages of signing up as a Roman legionary was access to a better quality of medical care than was generally available to those in civilian life. fter all, there was not much point having the most fearsome armies in the ancient world if your troops were too ...

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    Kennedy reaches for his sandbag in a fit of pique


    Tucked away in the prime minister's speech to fellow-theologists in Tubingen, the one which suggested on-the-spot fines for Saturday night lager louts, was a heartfelt passage about the pace and pressure of change - in the middle of what Tony Blair called 'the greatest economic, technological and social upheaval' since ...

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    When being sensitive can leave you tongue-tied


    I sympathise with Marianne Rigge (Consuming passions, 15 June); being politically correct in referring to people with health conditions is not easy.

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    Genuine partnership must begin with staff


    Unison was very pleased to see the recent joint issue on partnership working between health and local government (Patient: Citizen, 22 June).

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    The general health questionnaire is not the most accurate way of measuring stress


    We reserve the right to edit letters. The article on stress in general practice ('All stressed up and nowhere to go', features, pages 2829, 15 June) made interesting reading. However, readers could be misled into thinking that work in general practice is more stressful than it actually is.

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    Cottage industries look to the 'big house'


    Michael Calnan and colleagues' article adds to our understanding about the interrelationship between key players in the small general practice organisation.

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    As long as GPs are paying, they will want a say


    The article on stress in general practice examined the relationship between GPs and practice nurses, and between GPs and practice managers, but did not examine one of the fundamental determinants of those relationships.

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    Why some sacred cows are worth milking


    Your editorial (comment, page 19, 22 June) is right to point out that the NHS's founding principles are not simply the sacred cows of an outdated ideology but an essential means of providing efficient and equitable healthcare.

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    Remember inequalities are not just a health issue


    The World Health Organisation report (news, page 7, 22 June) values our NHS, but also emphasises the inequalities which cause ill-health.

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    Systems failures more to blame than people


    May I correct one aspect of your news item on the recent King's Fund debate on the future of professional selfregulation (page 9, 15 June).

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    Consulting room


    The government's consultation exercise on the NHS national plan came under heavy fire from the media. But its critics have missed the point of the exercise, says Shirley McIver

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    Quite unheard of


    Therapy staff, asked for their opinions in the consultation on the national plan, said they felt stretched to capacity, ignored and hard done by compared with doctors and nurses. Enid Feather reports

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    Stepping stones


    Co-operation between health and social services in one area has created a successful intermediate care structure for elderly people, explains Barbara Hitchins

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    Centre of attention: 40 beds for rehabilitation


    There are plans to develop a 40-bed assessment and rehabilitation centre which will be jointly funded by the health authority and social services. The development will be provided with the HA continuing care responsibilities for rehabilitation and recovery, and will therefore provide free care.

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    American booty


    The US’s biggest hospital chain has offered $745m to settle fraud allegations against it. But will anyone go to jail, wonders Howard Berliner

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    Eletrocovulsive therapy


    Electroconvulsive therapy has been around for more than 50 years, yet information on how it works is scant and treatment data is under-recorded. John Appleby reports

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    in person


    John Matheson has been appointed finance director at Lothian health board, Edinburgh. He previously held the same post at Lothian primary care trust.

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