Latest news – Page 2541

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    Departing Langlands sets out key issues for the NHS


    More doctors and nurses, greater investment in information technology and improvements in care quality are the key issues for the future of the health service, departing NHS chief executive Sir Alan Langlands told MPs last week.

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    Trust chief resigns after waiting-list irregularities


    Plymouth Hospitals trust chief executive Arthur Wilson has resigned following an investigation into the management of waiting list figures which found 'irregularities' and 'unacceptable practice'.

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    CHI sends first review teams


    The Commission for Health Improvement has sent its first review teams into two hospital trusts as part of its regular four-year programme to visit every trust in England and Wales.

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    Monitor is nothing if not a Modern Monitor. The news that younger generations are gaily indulging in sex without procreation in mind comes as little surprise. Nonetheless, a nation without clearly defined morals sometimes needs a helping hand. Given the demise of the Health Education Authority, Monitor is ready to ...

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    Dear Mel. . .


    I am trying to provide seamless and overarching service delivery, but every time I get people together to discuss it, they just shout at each other. Is this my fault?

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    Ombudsmen present united front in call for single service


    The health and local government ombudsmen are, by their own admission, working with out-of-date laws and cannot respond effectively to people's complaints in modernised public services.

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    Days like this


    Closed doors. . . Software progress doubted. . .Clarke: 'It's full-steam ahead'. . .Call for £5bn boost. . .Union merger mulled. . .Exodus warning

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    Hard-bitten food option challenge


    Central Manchester Healthcare trust may face a legal challenge to its decision to outsource food production to the King's Mill Hospital, which was made during the closed part of a board meeting.

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    Speed bumps


    The pressure is on for PCGs to convert to trust status, but many of those who oppose the move argue that it's too much too soon. Daloni Carlisle reports

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    Power steering


    The final instalment of our series on the government's NHS modernisation plans looks at the two patient teams: empowerment and access. Essentially, this is about shifting the balance of power from the NHS towards patients, making sure they can get 'fast a

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    Safety match


    A unit offering a haven for rape victims is bringing together forensic, psychiatric and medical services - and changing the way the police handle this crime. Lyn Whitfield reports

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    Blank check


    In a bid to restore public confidence after a series of headline-grabbing scandals, the medical profession is seeking to establish a revalidation scheme for its members. But it won't come cheap. Kaye McIntosh reports

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    With complements


    The NHS is beginning to wake up to complementary medicine. Now there is handy guidance on how it can be integrated into conventional medicine. Claire Laurent reports

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    Will Milburn's big moment be highlight or anti-climax?


    If he fails to flesh out rumour, Confederation audience will be sold short

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    PCGs could be like dinosaurs stranded in a backwater


    Frenetic pace to attain PCT status will leave those who resist vulnerable

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    Biting the magic bullet


    A while ago I talked to a friend, a psychiatric nurse, about his ideas for the future of mental healthcare. I mentioned the national service framework, the promised funding and the expected reforms.

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    So you think your job is tough. How would you cope if you were thrown in at the deep end as chief executive of a trust facing a £10m deficit, stroppy doctors who will have you thrown out the door if you interfere in their restrictive practices, and staff who ...

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    Fox's private enterprise knows no bounds


    Sitting in a BBC TV studio just before prime minister's question time the other Wednesday, I was asked what I thought William Hague would torment Tony Blair about this week. Fresh back from the EU summit in Portugal, I replied 'Europe'.