Latest news – Page 2546

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    In brief: National Institute for Clinical Excellence


    The National Institute for Clinical Excellence has ruled that taxanes Taxotere and Taxol can be used to treat advanced breast cancer where other drugs have not worked or are unsuitable. The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry welcomed the decision , but said it should have been reached without the ...

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    In brief: Alan Milburn


    Health secretary Alan Milburn has announced a further 91 nurse consultant posts, taking the total number of 'supernurses' to almost 200, a third of whom specialise in critical care. The Royal College of Nursing called for further expansion.

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    In brief: Dr Mo Mowlam


    Cabinet Office minister Dr Mo Mowlam, who co-ordinates drug policy across the government, has announced that £1m from the confiscated assets fund will be used to finance research on drug misuse among women and ethnic minorities.

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    In brief: Private finance initiative contract


    Thirteen of Wales' 15 trusts are taking part in a single procurement exercise for replacement finance systems. The £20m private finance initiative contract is due to be signed in September. Project board chair Alan Brace, finance director at Pontypridd and Rhondda trust, said it offered 'big economies of scale' and ...

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    In brief: Mancunian Community Health trust


    Mancunian Community Health trust is providing staff who will act as one-to-one mentors for pupils at three Manchester schools. They will meet 15 to 16-year-old pupils regularly to advise on health service careers.

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    In brief: Ministry of Defence


    The Ministry of Defence has set up a system to monitor the health of troops deployed in Sierra Leone, describing this as a 'sensible precaution' because of the large number of personnel involved. Some arrived in West Africa without anti-malaria tablets or immunisations.

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    Cancer money may be spread wider in future


    Public health minister Yvette Cooper has said that NHS cancer research money may in future be spread wider than the big three cancer research centres.

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    NHS Wales HR strategy set to embrace common core training


    The NHS in Wales is to push ahead with 'common core training' for health professionals - an idea still being debated by England's modernisation action teams.

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    Rapid rise in HIV diagnoses may lead to budget shortfall


    Fears are growing that the budget for AIDS and HIV services in London will fall short by at least £5m this year, despite receiving a £21.7m uplift.

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    UK's health system is one of the fairest in the world, WHO claims


    The UK's health system emerges as one of the fairest in the world in the annual report of the World Health Organisation.

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    Responses to NHS consultation average £2.38 each


    The government's £500,000 public consultation scheme in advance of next month's national plan has netted 210,000 responses - 150,000 from leaflets distributed in public places and just under 50,000 from leaflets sent to staff. More than 12 million leaflets were issued. People were asked for three ways of improving the ...

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    Boost to medical training with go-ahead for schools


    Two new medical schools have been approved. One will be based at the University of East Anglia and the other will be a joint development between Exeter and Plymouth universities.

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    Thousands from overseas accept UK job offers


    The number of overseas-trained nurses and midwives coming to the UK to work has risen to record levels, according to figures from the UK Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting. Provisional statistics show 7,361 nurses and midwives from abroad registered with the UKCC in the year to 31 ...

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    Denham reveals CHI clampdown on infection rates


    Health minister John Denham has said the Commission for Health Improvement and Audit Commission will have a legal right to demand information on hospital infection rates - and publish it. The move will be part of an attack on what Mr Denham called 'unacceptable variations' in infection rates between hospitals ...

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    Patient group urges action to stop prison suicides


    The National Schizophrenia Fellowship has called on home secretary Jack Straw to take steps to cut 'the rising toll of prison suicides'. Chief inspector of prisons Sir David Ramsbotham has predicted there could be more than 100 suicides in prison this year. NSF chief executive Cliff Prior said there were ...

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    Grants awarded to first healthy-living centres in NI


    The New Opportunities Fund has given grants worth £500,000 to establish the first healthy living centres in Northern Ireland. The money is going to two centres. The Irvinestown Community Partnership will transform four run-down houses into a healthy-living centre providing employment skills and training programmes as well as health activities. ...

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    'Whole-systems' approach urged to solve chaos in rehab services


    Rehabilitation services for older people are patchy and poorly co-ordinated, even though they can cut costs and reduce the number of emergency admissions, the Audit Commission says in a report published yesterday.

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    Report blames breech deaths on poor care


    Late diagnosis and poor care during labour are putting breech birth babies at increased risk, the Confidential Enquiry into Stillbirths and Deaths in Infancy has found.

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    Jam three days running for disgruntled patient


    A hospital is to review a newly introduced food distribution policy after a patient complained that she had to survive on jam sandwiches for three out of her four days in hospital.

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    Shock discovery on disused site


    Blood samples, parts of ears and other clinical waste have been uncovered by demolition workers pulling down a disused hospital in Wales.