Latest news – Page 2547

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    The Audit Commission says it was not possible to model all the alternative services with their different costs but that studies so far have produced 'encouraging results':

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    Public enemy no 1


    The General Medical Council is under attack now even from doctors. Kaye McIntosh soaks up the hostility at the LMC's annual conference

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    Race lost on points


    Black healthcare staff are victims of discrimination under the discretionary points system for pay, a survey claims. Ann McGauran examines how fair the arrangements are

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    Another answer to the first part of Monitor's ongoing quiz has whizzed its way through cyberspace. Peter Nicholas, who sadly does not say which part of the NHS he is from, but is probably a crossword fan, suggests that 'a step change is a pest'. Ah yes! And while everybody ...

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    Dear Mel. . .


    Our trust is having merger talks with Tesco. Hospital employees will get bonus Club Card points, but I think patients should as well. Do you agree?

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    Wales told fresh targets must be met with current funding


    The Welsh health service has been set stringent targets on waiting-list reduction which health and social services secretary Jane Hutt insists can be met with a £40m allocation made in May.

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    Cooper throws a fit - on scrip


    Public health minister Yvette Cooper has announced plans to expand exercise on prescription schemes.

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    Days like this


    Consultants hit out at reforms. . . junior doctors press for strike action. . . focus on London co-ordination. . . accountants steer clear of NHS

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    Move over


    It used to be a Bad Thing, but now it's a Good Thing. What has put an NHS 'takeover' of social services back on the agenda? Tash Shifrin investigates

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    Heaven can wait


    Innovation? Give us more. Grand plan? Let's start tomorrow. The New Health Network conference was painfully on-message. Maura Thompson was there

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    Going into labour


    One of the authors of a major report on birth statistics has criticised the government's new systems for collecting health data. Janet Snell finds out why co-ordinating national health statistics is not child's play

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    Once bitten. . .


    In the third in our series on the government's modernisation plans for the NHS, we look at prevention and inequalities.

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    No end to the production line


    Health minister John Denham was spared the embarrassment of a slow handclap at the British Association of Medical Managers' conference, but the drive for reform has stirred up dissension among the ranks. Alison Moore reports

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    Bunch picked for BAMM chair


    Oxford Radcliffe Hospital trust medical director Chris Bunch is the man who will chair BAMM from next year. Dr Bunch was elected as vice-chair at this year's conference and will take over in a year's time.

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    Who will take the pressure as two become one?


    What seems a logical step may turn out to be impossible to achieve

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    Checkmate for 'king' consultants


    Clinical governance is working and managers are feeling the load

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    Too many facts, too few words


    Producing patient information is fraught with pitfalls. Updating a number of factsheets fell to me over a recent wet bank holiday weekend. By Monday evening my mind was reeling from trying to achieve a balance between plain English, political correctness, evidence-based factual accuracy and being neither simplistic and condescending on ...

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    A researcher posing as a middle-aged man who was already taking drugs for a heart condition found few difficulties in obtaining Viagra from one UK-based company as part of a recent Health Which? investigation into online medical sites.

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    Clwyd gives vent to private fury over shamed medics


    I tend to be wary of public persecution of named individuals, even by politicians (or journalists) I respect. The righteous zeal of the animal rights lobby, for instance, often smacks of the hunt in full pursuit of the fox, as we are finding again this week.