Latest news – Page 2549

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    Double trouble: this week's role of shame


    The Commission for Health Improvement has been called in to investigate four trusts which employed a locum pathologist who misdiagnosed more than 200 cancer patients.

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    In brief: NHS chief executives


    Almost 80 per cent of NHS chief executives believe there is a potential conflict of interest between consultants' NHS work and their private practice, according to a Consumers' Association poll. The survey has been submitted to the Commons health select committee's inquiry on consultants' contracts, which starts taking evidence today.

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    In brief: Bairbre de Brun


    Northern Ireland health minister Bairbre de Brun has officially met the Irish government's minister for health and children, Micheal Martin, at a meeting of the North/South ministerial council sectoral group on food safety promotion and health. The ministers discussed a range of health issues requiring improved cross-border co-operation, including accident ...

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    In brief: King's Mill Centre for Health Care Services trust


    An independent inquiry into allegations that human organs were inappropriately d isposed of at King's Mill Centre for Health Care Services trust has been ordered by Dr Lindsey Davies, regional director of public health for Trent, following instructions from health secretary Alan Milburn. It will be led by Barrie Atkinson, ...

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    In brief: National Institute for Clinical Excellence


    The National Institute for Clinical Excellence has worked w ith an adv isor y body of patient, carer and user groups to produce a document on how to prepare submissions for NICE.

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    In brief: NHS organisations


    NHS organisations were instructed to hold managers' pay rises overall to 3.2 per cent last year, not 2.7 per cent as reported on 1 June (news, p6).The error was HSJ's.

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    In brief: Magazine of the year


    HSJ has been named magazine of the year in Emap Communications' annual awards. A team of external judges said it had had 'an extraordinary year' and had 'cemented its position' as the leading magazine for healthcare managers. Runners-up were Local Government Chronicle and New Civil Engineer.

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    Favourite is service outsider


    The next leader of the NHS could be a senior civil servant or leading industrialist, according to Whitehall insiders.

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    Two into one will go


    Chief executives have been told that health secretary Alan Milburn has decided on a radical shake-up at the very top of the NHS. He is to appoint just one person to fill the shoes of both departing NHS chief executive Sir Alan Langlands and Department of Health permanent secretary Chris ...

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    Fears that new top job signals tighter control


    Managers fear that health secretary Alan Milburn's decision to combine the top jobs at the NHS Executive and Department of Health signals a further tightening of control, ending the arm's-length role of the Executive.

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    Moving on: Kelly's farewell message


    Departing permanent secretary Chris Kelly joined the civil service from Trinity College, Cambridge and Manchester University. He spent 25 years at the Treasury, moving to the Department of Health in 1997, following a short period at the Department of Social Security.

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    'I'm getting some interference': the voice of experience


    Victor Paige was the first chair of the NHS management board in 1984, which later became the NHS Executive. He resigned less than two years later.

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    BMA meets Milburn for post-Ledward talks


    The British Medical Association has met health secretary Alan Milburn following friction with the government in the wake of the Rodney Ledward scandal. A BMA statement said Mr Milburn had welcomed the opportunity and expressed support for consultants. In return, chair Dr Ian Bogle 'reiterated the BMA's total support for ...

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    Appointments signal reprieve for renal service


    The NHS in Wales has secured its renal transplant service with the appointment of two consultant surgeons. The unit at Cardiff 's University Hospital of Wales has been short of surgeons for over a year, leading to an eight-day suspension of service earlier this year. There is a national shortage ...

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    Hospitals for people with learning disabilities to close


    Scotland is to close all of its remaining hospitals for people with learning disabilities within five years and place individuals in the community. Responding to a learning disabilities review published last month, deputy community care minister Iain Gray explained: 'The main finding was that people with learning disabilities should be ...

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    Scottish ambulance service goes under spotlight


    Scotland's ambulance service is to undertake the most extensive review of its operations in its 50-year history from now until next April. Beyond 2000 will examine non-emergency services and operations control rooms and evaluate a priority-based dispatch system. Ray Hepburn, project leader in charge of the priority dispatch system, said: ...

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    Children's education prospects hit by caring roles


    A Joseph Rowntree Foundation report coinciding with national carers week says that children and young people who care for chronically sick and disabled parents can experience long-term problems in their own lives because of missed schooling and lack of qualifications. Interviews with 60 young carers by Loughborough University found that ...

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    Carers live in poverty, association's survey reveals


    The Carers National Association has claimed that many carers are living in poverty. One in five responding to a survey said they had to cut back on the number of hot meals they ate, while more than one in 10 were struggling to pay the mortgage. Six out of 10 ...

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    Furious juniors threaten ballot on action against 'cruddy' sub-consultant scheme


    Junior doctors have threatened industrial action against a proposed new sub-consultant specialist grade.

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    Managers under fire in regulation debate


    Managers have came under fire from both sides in a debate on the future of professional self-regulation for failing to deal with incompetent or improperly behaved health professionals.