Latest news – Page 2562

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    Short Cuts: Equal pay victory for women speech therapists


    Hundreds of NHS speech and language therapists will share £12m in back pay following the resolution of a 15-year 'equal pay' battle. The MSF union launched a claim in 1986 comparing the pay of 351 female speech and language therapists with professions dominated by men. The previous Conservative government fought ...

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    Short Cuts: Doctors to vote on pay system to replace hourly rate


    Junior doctors are set to issue their verdict on a new pay system this week. More than 30,000 ballot papers have been sent out by the British Medical Association as doctors decide whether to back proposals agreed with the Department of Health. The new scheme would replace the hourly rate ...

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    Short Cuts: Cardiff and Vale trust launches £3.7m public appeal


    A £3.7m public appeal has been launched to build the first phase of a children's hospital for Wales on a site at University Hospital of Wales in Cardiff.David Durham, chair of Cardiff and Vale trust, which is providing £1.3m, plus the site and infrastructure for the revenue-neutral scheme, said: 'As ...

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    Short Cuts: Cockroaches force hospital to close beds


    A cockroach infestation has forced a hospital to close 20 beds for five days. St Mary's Hospital on the Isle of Wight has booked 12 beds for elective surgery at a nearby private hospital because of the infestation. Closure of a medical ward will allow pest controllers access to 'below ...

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    Short Cuts: Campaign to counter 'shocking' ignorance of STIs


    Doctor Patient Partnership has launched a campaign to tackle male ignorance of sexually transmitted infections, which are increasing. The campaign with the Men's Health Forum follows a MORI poll that found 28 per cent of adult men questioned did not know what a genito-urinary medicine clinic was, while 18 per ...

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    Midwives' push for normality 'under threat'


    Fear of litigation has brought about increasing medicalisation of maternity services, demoralising staff and reducing women's choice, midwives have claimed.

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    Days like this


    Closer working between clinicians and managers. . . purchaser provider split. . . Dorrell's promotion. . . community care reforms Guidance on consultants' contracts agreed between the Department of Health and the British Medical Association have been heralded as a breakthrough in closer working between clinicians and managers.

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    'Perverse incentives' may force elderly into care


    'Perverse incentives' may force elderly people into residential homes prematurely, the Audit Commission has warned.

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    No Ken do


    Will London's new mayor be able to do anything more substantive than meddle in the health arena - and how will managers cope with a new arrival on the political scene? Patrick Butler reports

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    Deacon blues


    The Scottish health minister insists that managers committed to improving patient care have nothing to fear from the 'strings attached' to additional NHS money from government. Colin Wright explains

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    Beds under the Reds


    Labour has crossed the ideological divide to embrace joint working with the private sector as a way to free NHS beds. Kaye McIntosh reports

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    Fast reactor


    No-nonsense, straight-talking action man Mike Deegan has two months to solve the problem of how to improve the NHS. Lynn Eaton gets her stopwatch out

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    Don't look now


    Proposed reforms look unlikely to stamp out racism in mental health. And there are fears, reports Matt Weaver, that they could even make things worse

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    Chance to change - at a price



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    Quality changes without tears



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    How would you like to die? Comedian Stephen Fry came up with the definitive answer in one of those Q&A columns that litter the Sunday papers:

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    Sun and sangrias as Dobbo rests easy



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    Eye opener


    One trust has streamlined its referral system for cataract operations - and reduced waiting times dramatically. Bill Stevenson and Pauline Neal report

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    When knowing what's wrong is plain to see

