Latest news – Page 2586

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    Making plans for Nigel



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    Slow motion


    For 10 years, staff and patients at a crumbling psychiatric hospital in a bleak cliff-top location wondered if they would ever move to a proposed new unit. Now, with their full involvement, they have. Anna Barnes reports

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    In the frame


    PCGs will need to get to grips with mental health service provision at practice level if they are to implement the new national service framework. Anne Rogers and colleagues report on a survey

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    The comfort of small things


    Patients and relatives value the non-clinical, as well as clinical, aspects of care, as Sarah Carr learned when her baby son fell seriously ill

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    Type 2 diabetes


    Three million people in the UK could have type 2 diabetes by the end of the decade, and many will suffer kidney failure. But diagnosis and management of the problem show disturbing inadequacies, argue Arabella Melville and colleagues

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    In person


    The Welsh Ambulance Services trust has appointed Lyn Meadows director of personnel and development. Ms Meadows has previously worked in human resources at Wirral Metropolitan College and Merseyside Police.

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    Alcohol conference

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    Monitor was flabbergasted when the bastion of journalism that is the Sunday People revealed that the NHS was putting 'free condoms into birdboxes for sick gay orgies'. In a children's beauty spot, no less. Time for a bit of digging, so to speak. The Sunday People explains that one birdbox ...

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    IT is good at the simple things - but grand strategies fail


    COMMENT Electronic health records are too complicated to emulate the success of NHS Direct, believes Peter Mitchell

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    Funding for records put on ice


    The NHS Information Authority has shelved its plan to award up to £6m of funding for the NHS's first full electronic health record demonstrator sites.

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    Trust co-op's £20m plan gets go-ahead


    The Treasury has at last approved the proposals put forward by a group of co-operating trusts in South West region to procure a high-specification electronic health record system. The decision comes three months later than the regional office had expected.

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    NHS enters first stage of payroll restructuring


    The NHS has begun procurement of a new national system to replace the current variety of payroll systems used in the NHS at the moment.

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    Outwardly mobile


    Mobile phones and hospitals don't mix, yet many trust staff are essentially mobile. The Royal Marsden trust found an ideal halfway house in digital cordless technology, explains Gary Burkill

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    All dosed up


    All trusts must have electronic prescribing systems by 2005, the NHS information strategy stipulates. One trust has been successfully using such a package for some time, writes Peter Mitchell

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    Antibodies of evidence


    Increased lab automation means that the tedious job of cross-matching blood samples will soon be passed on to computers, writes Peter Mitchell

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    Going round in circulars


    The move towards a standard form of PFI contract for IT projects can make procurement simpler and cheaper, but commercial flexibility should not be forgotten, say Colin Lynch and Paul Webster

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    Go with the flow


    GPs have forced on the centre what hospitals and health authorities could not: a climbdown on NHSnet. Peter Mitchell reports