Latest news – Page 2589

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    In brief: Yvette Cooper


    Public health minister Yvette Cooper has announced appointment of 150 co-ordinators in a bid to cut teenage pregnancies by 50 per cent by the year 2010. The campaign also includes 20 pilot Sure Start Plus schemes which provide teenagers with information and advice.

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    In brief: West Midlands regional office


    West Midlands regional office has sent warning letters to GPs after a newspaper revealed that a woman later diagnosed as having Creutzveldt-Jakob disease had a hysterectomy at a maternity unit in the region. The instruments used in the operation were sterilised, but later re-used for procedures on other patients. Where ...

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    In brief: Health service managers


    Health service managers believe that they are scapegoats for NHS failings beyond their control, according to a straw poll of visitors to HSJ 's website. Voting started last Thursday and by Tuesday morning the vote was 168 in favour and 47 against. HSJ also has a new website, with opinion ...

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    OHE finds flaw in 'aspiration' to match EU spending


    The government's 'aspiration' to match the EU average spending on healthcare by 2006 cannot be reached unless it increases the NHS budget by more than the planned 5 per cent per year, according to a study by the Office of Health Economics. It says plans to spend 8 per cent ...

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    'Outcome focus' urged for partnership working


    Successful partnership working in mental health can only be achieved if teams are 'outcome focused' and well supported, according to a paper launched this week by the Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health. It highlights six key models of partnership working and outlines key factors in successful partnerships between health services, ...

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    Audit Forum aims to clarify public sector relations


    The Public Audit Forum has published a paper aimed at clarifying the relationship between public sector auditors and their audited bodies. The forum, which involves the National Audit Office, the Audit Commission, the Accounts Commission for Scotland, and the Northern Ireland Audit Office, has urged public sector auditors to ensure ...

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    IoD calls for greater private healthcare funding


    The Institute of Directors has called for an expansion of private funding of healthcare through an 'NHS passport' scheme offering part-payment of private treatment, to increase healthcare spending without raising taxes. Under the scheme everyone would have free access to core taxfunded healthcare from GPs and NHS-approved trusts. But if ...

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    North Wales HA launches key strategic review


    North Wales health authority has announced a strategic review of community, general and specialist services at Llandudno General Hospital. The review follows the recent decision to relocate services from Conwy Hospital to Llandudno. Reporting in June, the review will examine links between Llandudno and other healthcare services, and examine the ...

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    Public trust in doctors stays high despite Shipman


    The public's trust in doctors remains extremely high - despite recent bad publicity over cases such as the Harold Shipman murder trial, according to a MORI public opinion poll carried out for the British Medical Association. The survey of more than 2,000 people found that 87 per cent would generally ...

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    Dissolution of NI Assembly brings reform schedule juddering to halt


    Major reforms of Northern Ireland's health service have been put on ice following the return to direct rule from Westminster.

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    Mental health PFI plan agreed at last


    Plans to replace 'abysmal' buildings housing mental health services in Leeds have finally got the go-ahead almost a decade after the closure of the sites was first proposed. The £47m deal is the largest ever private finance initiative for mental health services.

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    High-dependency units lacking


    An audit of Scotland's high-dependency units has produced a list of the seven hospitals with the worst facilities.

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    The long-term race to win nation's hearts and minds


    Is there enough money to bring cardiac services up to European levels?

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    Toned up, but in a tricky corner


    Discreet relaxation of guidance on use of private facilities may be on its way

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    Beacons need proper input more than propaganda


    It is the frontline staff, not politicians, who can boost sites' low profiles

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    Sounds of shackles loosening


    Blair's statement is just one sign that managers may win more freedom

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    Troubled GP intranet project to lose top man and deputy


    The project struggling to link GP and NHS computer networks is to lose both its head and deputy this month.

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    BMA warns of 'charging'option


    The NHS must consider charging patients, the British Medical Association has warned in a consultation document being sent to every GP in the country.

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    Days like this


    Managers back performance pay. . .Latest ambulance strike offer. . .Clarke censure fails. . .New offices for NHSE. . . St Thomas' trust anger

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    Point of departure


    Is Alan Milburn going to seize the opportunity presented by Sir Alan Langlands' resignation to bring frontline managers to the very top of the NHS? The policy rumours have been flying thick and fast this week, reports Lyn Whitfield