Latest news – Page 2603

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    Help received from groups and charities


    Input from members of registered voluntary organisations was also used in our calculations, along with donations from charitable bodies registered with the voluntary services department.

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    Old testament


    PCGs are ducking their responsibilities if they cling to the argument that older people are not interested in consultation on services, say Margaret Edwards and Emilie Roberts

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    NHS funding


    Throwing more money at the NHS in a bid to match health spending in other countries will only create a self-defeating cycle of higher and higher expectations, writes John Appleby

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    Inquiry into treatment of man who killed at eclipse


    An independent inquiry is to be set up into the healthcare received by Kevin Hewitt - dubbed the 'eclipse killer' by local media.

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    Institute head stands by lab staff survey despite rebuttal


    The head of the Institute of Biomedical Science is standing by a survey that claims one in 10 NHS laboratories is using unqualified staff in testing processes, despite putting his name to a Department of Health rebuttal statement.

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    List target strategy is 'misconceived'


    The government has come under renewed fire from the King's Fund for its 'misconceived' strategy on waiting lists.

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    £90m cash injection not enough to counter soaring drug prices


    A £90m cash injection by the government has failed to wipe out an overspending crisis caused by the soaring cost of unbranded drugs.

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    In Brief: John Hutton


    Health minister John Hutton has told the Commons that no payments were made under the Road Traffic (NHS Charges) Act in the first three months after it came into effect in April 1999, but almost £2.7m was collected in the second quarter and £13.8m in the third.

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    In Brief: Medicine2000


    A Millennium Festival of Medicine with more than 70 events is being staged by the British Medical Association. The theme is celebrating the past and shaping the future. Highlights include a nationwide cycling event, the Ride for Health, which also marks the opening of the first 5,000 miles of the ...

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    In Brief: Enrolled Nursing


    The UK Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting is issuing guidance on the role and status of enrolled nurses. The move follows claims that some managers have been misinterpreting the legal position of ENs and imposing inappropriate restrictions on them.

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    In Brief: Dr Kevin Fitzpatrick


    Dr Kevin Fitzpatrick has been named disability rights commissioner for Wales. Dr Fitzpatrick, chair of Disability Wales and a Shaw Trust project development manager, is one of 14 commissioners appointed to the new Disability Rights Commission.

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    In Brief: East Anglian Ambulance trust


    East Anglian Ambulance trust has reached agreement to use a Moat House hotel as a standby location.

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    In Brief: Alan Bedford


    Alan Bedford is not chair of the NHS Complaints Evaluation Advisory Group (news, page 7, 20 January), but represents the NHS Confederation on it.

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    Game for a scarf


    Ruth Glentworth, a volunteer from charity Headstart, helps Vera Scott learn to use a headscarf and hair fringe to mask hair loss at Manchester's Christie Hospital.

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    NAO to investigate Edgware closure


    The controversial scheme that led to the closure of Edgware General Hospital's accident and emergency department is to come under scrutiny by the National Audit Office.

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    Withdrawal of acute services caused problems at other units


    The gradual reduction in services and eventual closure of Queen Mary's Hospital, Roehampton, caused major problems for hospitals in south and west London, according to a report for Wandsworth council by London Health Emergency.

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    Lawyers in row over mediation


    Lawyers have clashed over why government-funded research into the use of mediation to stem a rising tide of NHS litigation failed to attract a significant number of cases.

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    Right on queue


    Conservative Party leader William Hague and chair Michael Ancram launch a poster attacking the government's record on waiting lists.

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    Hutton welcomes MP's bid for more carers' support


    Health minister John Hutton has welcomed the introduction of the Carers and Disabled Children Bill into Parliament by Labour MP Tom Pendry. The bill paves the way for carers to receive services in their own right. Currently, they can only have their needs assessed if the person they are caring ...

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    New HIV infections reach a high at decade's end


    The Public Health Laboratory Service has revealed that 1999 probably saw the greatest number of new HIV infections in a decade.