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    As the dawn of the 21st century breaks, time for a special investigation into the mysteries of our cyber-web future. You can't stop progress, and Monitor has already done its bit to embrace global technocracy via the pages of the Innovations catalogue. A trawl through planet progress begins - naturally ...

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    The Terminators shocks were rarely positive or enjoyable, and whether surprise or relief caused Ardent to spill his coffee down his shirt we will probably never know. Tarantino smiled. Oh yes, he'd long been one of Clays most fervent, nay enthusiastic, admirers. Greycoat hadn't liked him but well, things were ...

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    £12m overspend trust may axe surgical beds


    Waiting times could be allowed to rise and up to 110 surgical beds could be cut in a bid to save money at a cash strapped Scottish trust.

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    Troubled HA gets new chief


    Dyfed Powys health authority has appointed a chief executive to succeed Peter Stansbie, who left by mutual agreement in September .

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    Days like this


    Health authorities with severe cash problems are to be granted immunity from the government's demand that all districts balance their income and expenditure levels by April 1991. NHS finance director Sheila Masters said she expected the service's deficit to be £50m at the end of 1989-90, but was optimistic this ...

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    Closed to argument


    Another round of mergers is imminent - and that's before PCTs even get their feet under the table. Mark Gould wonders why managers are hell-bent on doing themselves out of jobs

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    Proposed or ongoing mergers


    1 Bassetlaw Hospital and Community Services trust and Doncaster Royal Infirmary and Montagu Hospital trust.

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    Fallon fallout


    The battering meted out to Ashworth Hospital by the Fallon inquiry may have led to other establishments facing tougher regimes, writes Laura Donnelly

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    The odd couple: I realised we were not going to get rid of this bugger


    I didn't like him and he didn't like me.

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    Man of the match


    The post may not be without its problems, but the NHS s new deputy chief executive is widely viewed as an ideal partner for its boss, writes Kaye McIntosh

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    The very rough guide


    It may be a shadow of its early draft, but the new planning and priorities guidance is maintaining a rapid pace of change, writes Patrick Butler

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    Keeping it simple: the five priority areas


    Improving health The NHS - in partnership with local government and other agencies - must develop local anti-smoking, drugs and teenage pregnancy action plans.

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    Its not about the money


    Easing Glasgow s health problems is more than a case of redistributing wealth, say critics of a recent report on inequalities, writes Barbara Millar

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    Money can't buy you health but its handy for extra beds


    Why is the NHS struggling to cope with a flu outbreak yet again? Is it the sheer scale of the infection? Hardly: it may yet reach epidemic proportions, but at a peak so far of 144 sufferers per 100,000 population in England it is modest compared with the 200 recorded ...

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    The long, good buy


    It takes the NHS a scarcely believable two and a half years to buy a computer system. This is nearly twice as long as the rest of the public sector, and is a prime cause of the parlous state of NHS computing.

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    Flu, what a scorcher as Milburn feels the heat


    Making my Sunday night HSJ calls, I was sort of delighted to read that Howard Stoate, the Labour GP who sits for Dartford, had stumbled on the same thought that I had. Namely that media disappointment that the millennium bug had not disrupted the world s computer systems transmuted into ...

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    Staff appraisal, proclaimed management guru Tom Peters some time back in the last century, is the number one management problem in the US. 'It takes the average employee (manager or non-manager) six months to recover from it.' Anyone think that doesn't apply to the UK or to what we've seen ...

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    Judge not, that ye be not judged

