Latest news – Page 2613

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    Probe rules on injection accident


    An independent inquiry has blamed a misunderstanding between Brighton Health Care trust and BUP A theatre nurses for an incident in which 19 patients were injected with a potentially blinding solution.

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    Days like this


    Managers will have access to medical audit results, health secretary Kenneth Clarke pledged when he announced £31m to develop the system in hospitals and general practice. I have yet to hear a convincing argument why someone managing a hospital should not have access to the general results of clinical audit, ...

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    Extra £90m to ease generic drug costs


    The government has performed a partial U-turn in its policy on dealing with the knock-on effects of the spiralling cost of generic drugs.

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    Managers commitment to NHS marked in millennium honours


    Two prominent NHS managers were recognised in the new year honours list.

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    Milburn makes early case for funds boost


    Health secretary Alan Milburn has started bargaining for more money for the NHS ahead of this year s government-wide review of spending - but warned that any funds will be closely tied to performance targets.

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    Run that by me again: what you may have missed during the festive break


    Health secretary Alan Milburn thanked NHS staff for being brilliant over the Christmas and millennium holidays. London Ambulance Service took 2,300 calls in the first six hours of the new year . Greater Manchester Ambulance Service said it had its busiest night ever , taking 1,200 calls in the 12 ...

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    in person


    Bridget Wilkinson has joined the board of Doncaster and South Humber Healthcare trust as director of planning. She has been promoted from within the trust and was previously head of planning and development.

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    Diversity in the NHS 21 January , London

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    Diverted traffic


    Acute, self-limiting health problems - such as cough, indigestion or diarrhoea - represent a considerable workload for general practice. It is widely reported, albeit anecdotally, that GPs consider a substantial proportion of their time is wasted by seeing patients who they think are consulting inappropriately or unnecessarily with problems of ...

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    Abroad minded


    The NHS will remain dependent on overseas nurses for many years and hospitals must ensure effective recruitment and retention. James Buchan explains

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    Costs of overseas recruitment, 1998-99


    Recruitment from Australia costs approximately £3,200 per nurse (where 40 nurses arrive). This includes the air fare of £800, which is paid for by the nurse but reimbursed by the trust if the nurse stays to the end of the contract. The agency fee includes a percentage of the salary.

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    The long goodbye


    Reaching a 100th birthday will soon become a commonplace event. But the centenarians of the new millennium will not be the chronic sick and long-stayers of managers worst nightmares, writes Jenny Bryan

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    Cell out: the science of ageing


    According to leading British gerontologist Professor Tom Kirkwood, ageing is probably due to the gradual and progressive accumulation of damage in the cells and tissues of our bodies - as opposed to a pre-programmed formula still preferred by some ageing specialists.

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    Still going strong: a century and not out


    With 70,000 US centenarians today and some 800,000 predicted by 2050, it is no surprise that one of the most comprehensive research programmes into what makes a centenarian is being carried out in the US. The New England centenarian study is following the fortunes of centenarians living in eastern Massachusetts ...

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    Pay rise fairy tale ends with wizard wheeze



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    Telling it like it is for a healthier NHS



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    Ask an estates management expert for advice

