Latest news – Page 2624

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    Short Cuts: Clinical governance shown as PCGs' main interest


    Clinical governance has been identified as a key area of interest for primary care groups, according to publisher Binleys. Its latest Database of Primary Care says clinical governance committees are the most developed aspect of PCGs' structure, followed by prescribing, information technology and commissioning. The majority of committee members are ...

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    Short Cuts: Research centre for age-related diseases opens


    A research centre for age-related diseases will be set up on the Guy's campus of King's College, London, following a £6m grant from the Wolfson Foundation. The Wolfson Centre for Age Related Diseases will study heart disease, stroke, Parkinson's disease, dementia and other conditions associated with ageing. The centre's first ...

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    Short Cuts: Mental health user group pushes Swedish approach


    A mental health user group is urging health authorities to adopt 'a more innovative approach to services' by taking a lead from Sweden. Brent Lund Alternatives - a group bringing together north-west London's Brent User Group and Swedish service users - visited the Hotel Magnus Stenbock, which provides rooms for ...

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    Short Cuts: BMA urges Web guidance for health and medicine


    The British Medical Association has called for the Department of Health to issue urgent guidance on the use of the Internet for health and medical matters. Dr Paul Cundy, chair of the information management and technology sub-committee of the BMA's GP committee, said it was worried about security and confidentiality ...

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    Short Cuts: Counter-fraud intake 'graduate' from training centre


    Junior health minister Lord Hunt has officially opened the NHS Counter Fraud Training Centre in Reading and awarded certificates to its first 'graduates'. The centre will train more than 500 staff in counter-fraud skills and run specialist courses to degree level accredited by Portsmouth University. Department of Health director of ...

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    Parents protest over children's hearts retained by pathologists


    A meeting of up to 400 parents who believe their children's hearts were kept without their knowledge by Alder Hey Children's Hospital, in Liverpool, has been called for next week.

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    Making a point


    Dave Prentis, deputy general secretary of Unison, examines a 'safe syringe' with Pauline Anderson, a staff nurse at St Mark's Hospital, London, at the launch of a Unison campaign against needlestick injuries.

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    Fourth inquiry into radiology scandal


    A fourth inquiry has been launched into allegations of mismanagement at a leading radiology department, according to 'whistleblowers' who raised concerns about the department at Hammersmith Hospitals trust.

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    Campaign launched to reassure patients of millennium readiness


    A £70,000 campaign has been launched to reassure the public that London's NHS will not break down over the millennium. Health authorities are to send out 4 million leaflets on health services over the holiday.

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    Prescription warning


    Health authority chief executives have been told to work with clinical colleagues to prevent an increase in prescribing over the millennium holiday.

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    Healthy living centres kick off with £1m plan


    One of the government's earliest health policy ideas is showing signs of coming to fruition with the announcement of the first healthy living centre to be funded by the National Lottery.

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    New tack on learning disabilities


    Health minister John Hutton has unveiled plans to develop a national learning disability strategy, following a critical report on existing services.

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    Days like this


    Community care white paper launched. . . Zero service growth predicted. . . Ambulance dispute worsens. . . Land-sale crisis. . . Mall costs dear. . .

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    May the force be with you


    Mental health service users may find themselves facing a harsh new treatment regime under green paper proposals now out for consultation. Laura Donnelly reports

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    One step at a time


    A year after the Acheson report on health inequalities - which won enthusiastic backing from the government - is the UK any nearer meeting its objectives? Wendy Moore reports

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    Civil unrest - rude awakenings


    Modernisation is about to hit the civil service, long practised at absorbing change without actually changing much. But what will it mean for the DoH and the NHS Executive? Patrick Butler reports

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    Short hours, tall stories



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    Learning the Australian rules



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