Latest news – Page 2636

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    Playing up


    Three year old Fajer Al-Otaibi, who is deaf, plays with water at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, helped by play instructor Dionne Moodi.

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    First-wave PCTs could number 19


    Up to 19 independent primary care trusts could be established in the first wave of the government's reform of community and family health services next April.

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    Demand outstrips supply of ICU beds


    Demand for critical care beds is outstripping supply despite a rapid growth in bed numbers, an Audit Commission report has found.

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    Performance pay 'will not work'


    Offering NHS managers financial inducements to improve performance will not work and could be divisive, a study on motivating senior public servants has found.

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    Huge survival rate variations


    Returns to the Intensive Care National Audit and Research Centre show that 'on average one of every five ICU patients die on the unit', rising to 'one in three when subsequent deaths on the wards are included'.

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    Denham snub to CHC's plea


    Health minister John Denham has rejected a plea by Coventry community health council for a £200m private finance initiative hospital in the city centre.

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    Days like this


    Clarke stresses morale. . . Strategy to update staff. . . 'Superhospital' dropped. . . Ambulance crisis. . . HEA in report row. . . Mellor's disappointment. . .

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    Smarty pants


    Dr David Torgerson, senior research fellow at York University, and research nurse Ruth Hildreth displaying a pair of SafeHip shock-absorbing underwear, which has been developed to protect people at risk of fractured neck of femur. They are seeking 4,500 volunteers for a long-term trial to test the effectiveness of the ...

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    NHS 'on target for Y2K'


    The Department of Health has declared the NHS 'ready' for the millennium date change.

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    Growth area


    Cancer services have received a boost, following new health secretary Alan Milburn's 'three Cs' pledge. But a report questions whether 'open access' arrangements actually lead to quicker treatment, writes Barbara Millar

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    Maiden over?


    The NHS's masculine style misses out on female strengths, leadership experts argue. They want to see a new breed of 'hybrid managers' batting for the health service. Carol Harris reports

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    Lightly grilled


    Only the gentlest heat was turned on health minister John Denham at the distinctly on-message New Health Network's conference. Kaye McIntosh reports

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    Are you listening to me?


    England's first joint health and social care trust still has to convince users it works, reports Pat Healy

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    Ship-shape, not Bristol fashion


    The Royal Brompton Hospital was exonerated after an inquiry into its paediatric surgery, but dealing with the allegations was costly. Thelma Agnew reports

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    Time to curb drug-price threat



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    A distant Finnish line



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    Thousands of nurses abandoned the wards last week and joined picket lines in a national strike over pay and conditions. Hospitals left with just emergency cover immediately cancelled many of their planned admissions and clinics, while some patients were sent home as pressure built up.