Latest news – Page 2645

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    NICE put on defensive as ruling on Relenza ends in row over 'leaks'


    The National Institute for Clinical Excellence has defended its handling of the fast-track appraisal of Relenza, despite concern about the way news that the anti-flu drug had been turned down for NHS prescription this winter emerged.

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    Delay over managers' pay rise is 'political'


    Most senior managers are still waiting for a pay rise this year, according to the annual survey conducted by Pay and Workforce Research.

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    Perfect combination


    False assumptions about the cost of combination drug therapies for HIV are skewing funding decisions. Mike Youle and colleagues argue that a new approach to analysing cost effectiveness is needed

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    Planning permission


    A practice taking part in a personal medical services pilot has launched care plans for patients with chronic diseases and streamlined dealings with its health board. Dawn Whiteside reports

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    Shouldering the blame


    An unnecessarily painful end to the life of her elderly mother left Mary Rosenberg with a sense of injustice

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    Treatment decisions lie in wait for new head of family division


    A new head has been appointed for the High Court's family division, which deals with the most sensitive issues of medical treatment - those involving patients who may lack the capacity to take their own decisions.

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    Part-timers' pension rights extended


    The long-running battle over part time workers' pension rights, which could cost public and private-sector employers an estimated £10-17bn, moved a step closer to resolution last month.

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    Latest drug trials case claims professor's scalp


    The General Medical Council has struck off a former research director for serious professional misconduct in the latest in a raft of cases involving allegations of misbehaviour in clinical drug trials.

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    in brief: Employment Appeal Tribunal


    The Employment Appeal Tribunal has taken the rare step of branding as 'perverse' a finding by an employment tribunal that a dismissal was fair. A perverse decision has been defined in cases as one which is 'irrational', 'fundamentally wrong', or which 'offends reason' or 'flies in the fact of properly ...

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    Charging for drugs and services affects their consumption - it decreases. But, John Appleby reports, it does little to contain costs and is relatively ineffective

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    in person


    Anne Bolter, a former chair of Wakefield family health services authority and Wakefield health authority, has been appointed chair of Eastbourne Hospitals trust.

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    Items are entered free for public sector, voluntary and professional organisations, but we need at least six weeks' notice of your event. Please send details to Uli Jaeger, HSJ , Greater London House, Hampstead Road, London, NW1 7EJ. Fax: 0171-874 0254.

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    in brief: Andrew Hobart


    Andrew Hobart, chair of the British Medical Association's junior doctors committee, has warned that 'the threat of industrial action will not be removed' until an agreement over pay and hours has been agreed with the government. In a letter to all juniors, he described a Department of Health claim that ...

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    in brief: International AIDS Vaccine Initiative


    The International AIDS Vaccine Initiative is to receive a £14m grant from the government, international development secretary Clare Short announced last week.

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    in brief: Jack Straw


    Home secretary Jack Straw has announced the start of a £23.5m support service for prisoners with drug problems. The multiagency Counselling, Assessment, Referal, Advice and Throughcare will aim to identify drug users, support them in prison and coordinate support after their release. It will be available to all prisoners by ...

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    in brief: primary care groups


    A key responsibility of primary care groups in London will be to improve the quality of primary care itself, according to a new book from the King's Fund. It also argues that the issue of redistributing resources 'must be faced squarely if the new NHS is to make a real ...

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    in brief: Doncaster Healthcare trust


    Doncaster Healthcare trust and Scunthorpe Community Health Care trust were given ministerial approval to merge on 1 October.

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    in brief: Brighton Health Care trust


    Brighton Health Care trust will offer surgical patients the chance of having their own blood reinfused, following donation of a Cellsaver machine by Jehovah's Witnesses.

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    Plans for mental health could be hard to deliver, experts predict


    Managers could find themselves struggling to deliver the new national service framework for mental health, experts have warned.

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    'Phone and go' dental schemes receive flak


    Patient watchdogs have cast doubt on prime minister Tony Blair's pledge to provide 30 'phone and go' dentist schemes, saying pilots leave significant gaps in service.