Latest news – Page 2646

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    Waiver pays for cancer boost


    A VAT waiver lay behind health secretary Frank Dobson's announcement of a further boost to cancer services at the Labour Party conference.

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    Managers 'left struggling by pressures of change'


    Increasing workload and the pressure of constant change have left London's mental health managers struggling to implement government policy, according to a forthcoming survey.

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    Third HA plan follows Assembly pressure


    Cash-strapped Dyfed Powys health authority has issued its third set of proposals for dealing with its situation in three years.

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    'Champion' of nurses is facing UKCC probe


    A senior trust manager chosen to lead a regional taskforce to improve nurses' working lives is being investigated by nursing regulatory body the UK Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting.

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    Hearing rejects constructive dismissal claim


    A senior health board manager who claimed he was 'turfed out' of his job to make way for a new regime has lost his case for constructive, unfair dismissal.

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    Case dropped due to ill-health


    A Scottish chief executive suspended from his post over a year ago after allegations of overpayments to senior managers has been allowed to retire and will not now be the subject of a public inquiry.

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    CHC appeals to health secretary over cuts


    North Staffordshire community health council is to refer plans to reconfigure local services to health secretary Frank Dobson, despite a health authority undertaking to submit a revised proposal for consultation next month. CHC members took the step in protest at North Staffordshire HA's proposal to cut elderly continuing care beds ...

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    No additional funding for flu jabs for NHS staff


    The NHS Executive has decided that immunising NHS staff against influenza 'should be regarded as an acceptable part of planning the coming winter' because of the 'exceptional' millennium period. But no additional money will be made available. New guidance says 'employers deciding to offer vaccine will do so on the ...

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    Transfer arrangements inadequate, report finds


    A report into the continuing transfer of learning disability patients from Lennox Castle Hospital in Glasgow has criticised the 'planning and delivery of services to children and adolescents'. Lennox Castle, run by Greater Glasgow Primary Care trust, is due to close by March 2002, with its 323 patients discharged into ...

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    Act compels NHS to provide buildings access for all


    The latest stage of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 came into force on Friday, requiring service providers to take 'reasonable steps' to ensure that they can be used by disabled people .

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    DoH unveils remit of select committee staffing review


    The Department of Health has set out the remit of the review of arrangements for NHS workforce planning announced by the government in the wake of the House of Commons health select committee's report on Future NHS Staffing Requirements. The review will be led by Judy Hargardon, chief executive of ...

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    Private hospital chief slams insurance 'fix'


    Private hospital network schemes have come under attack from rival providers and consultants, who claim medical insurance companies are disguising anti-competitive tactics beneath 'a cloak of unnecessary secrecy'.

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    Pregnancy curb ideas criticised


    Recommendations from the government's social exclusion unit to reduce teenage pregnancies do not address the 'key issue' of 'disadvantage and poor job prospects', an independent briefing paper has concluded.

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    Days like this


    Internal market dangers. . . Labour threat over reforms. . . RCN plea to managers. . . Princess visits Rampton. . . Pay wrangles for DoH. . .

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    Managers have crisis of faith over reforms


    this week

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    Dobson promises £150m for Bart's


    this week

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    Enthusiasm for 'superhospitals' toned down


    this week

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    Inspector angered by 'emotive' language


    this week