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    Controls assurance

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    An element of mystery infiltrates the Save Bart's Apostrophe campaign as it enters its fourth week. Monitor duly put the case for the restoration of our beloved apostrophe to Barts (sic) and the London trust only to have spokesman Rory Taylor come back with the claim: 'St Bartholomews never had ...

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    An everyday tale of trust folk, appearing fortnightly Smoothie from region had assured Greycoat that CHC chair Carla Citrus could be easily deflected. . .

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    Short Cuts: Academic appointed to lead sexual health strategy


    Public health minister Tessa Jowell has announced that Michael Adler, professor of genitourinary medicine/sexually transmitted diseases at Royal Free and University College Medical School, will lead the development of a sexual health strategy for England. The strategy, announced in March, will aim to improve access to services, spread good practice, ...

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    Monitor wishes to join the grovelling rush to congratulate Sir Alan Langlands on his reappointment as NHS chief executive for a further four-year term. Jolly well done, sir. It obviously scotches all that scurrilous gossip about Big Al getting ready to up sticks and quit - so what can account ...

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    As I slurped at Greycoat's coffee, the Terminator arrived to say he'd found a room in the nurses' home for regional mole Bobby Keane and innocent number cruncher Miss Fermat, for their confidential information-gathering concerning the secret amalgamation with St Jude's.

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    Dear pill


    A new round of expensive but effective drugs could prove to be bitter medicine for those in charge of paying the bills. Adam Legge investigates

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    Sharp implement


    The Culyer reforms' impact on patient care may still be uncertain, but they have raised the profile of research which benefits health providers, writes Barbara Millar

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    A case of long-term, no see as Dobson stalls over care


    A relatively small spend to make nursing care free would reap dividends

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    Let stocktake herald fresh start


    Assembly is clean slate for relations between managers and ministers

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    Outreach exceeds its grasp


    If you are sceptical about the impact of policy documents, whether read or filed in the wastepaper basket, you should consider the case of assertive outreach.

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    The case against animal research is a relatively easy one to make. Produce a few cuddly bunnies, talk emotively about evil scientists with electrodes, and there you have it. The case for cutting up small furry animals, on the other hand, is more complex but has other advantages, not least ...

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    How Dobbo and Denham suffered from piles


    In a moment of heat the other week, a ministerial adviser told me, 'Remember, Mike, a successful spin exercise isn't always one which results in favourable publicity. Sometimes it results in little or no publicity at all.'

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    Time to be explicit about economic realities



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    Getting on with the work whatever the words



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    Internal market identified as factor behind Welsh deficits


    A stocktake of the NHS in Wales has blamed the internal market and 'downsizing' at the former Welsh Office for financial problems at many health authorities and trusts.