Latest news – Page 2676

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    Cautious cheer for drug price rules


    Government reforms of controls on drug prices have been given a cautious welcome by managers.

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    Struck-off Bristol consultant claims 'over-work'


    A consultant struck off for his role in the Bristol babies' heart surgery deaths claimed this week that he had been over-worked and under-funded.

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    Dobson turns his wrath on PFI critics


    Health secretary Frank Dobson tackled critics of the private finance initiative head-on this week, as sceptical MPs quizzed Department of Health officials on the scheme.

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    Treasury moves to placate opposition from unions


    The Treasury issued guidance on standardising PFI contracts last week in a move widely seen as an attempt to appease union critics of the scheme.

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    Cheque it out


    Less bureaucracy, easier hours and a fixed salary may sound tempting, but will GPs want to give up their independent contractor status? Alison Moore reports

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    Made to measure


    Trying to solve the nursing shortage has led one trust to develop a tailored programme to help nurses trained overseas to gain UK registration. Jackie Hulse and colleagues report

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    A tension seeker


    Employing a trust audit pharmacist has lessened tensions between GPs and hospital prescribing services and improved medicines management. Martin Shepherd and colleagues report

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    A world apart


    In our series profiling people in contrasting roles, Jeremy Davies talks to two managers who have found job satisfaction in different parts of the independent sector

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    Catch me if you can


    Hospital-acquired infection Principles and prevention. Third edition By G Ayliffe, JR Babb and Lynda Taylor Butterworth-Heinemann 210 pages £18.99

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    Too much of a bad thing


    Making use of guidelines in clinical practice Edited by Allen Hutchinson and Richard Baker Radcliffe Medical Press 207 pages £18.95

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    Setting the PACE for change


    Experience, evidence and everyday practice Creating systems for delivering effective health care By Michael Dunning, Gerrard Abi-Aad and David Gilbert King's Fund 124 pages £12.95

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    in person


    Tim Woods has moved from Barnsley District General Hospital trust to become finance director of Nott ingham City Hospital trust.

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    In brief: Welsh Ambulance Services trust


    Welsh Ambulance Services trust has agreed a £200,000 out-of-court settlement with former chief ambulance officer John Beechers. The First Division Association, which has supported Mr Beechers, said he was sacked after refusing to accept a temporary job following the merger of Wales' ambulance trusts. The post would have increased his ...

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    In brief: Alun Michael


    Welsh Assembly first minister Alun Michael has launched a document asking the public how its £8bn budget should be spent, as part of an exercise to help the Assembly develop a strategic plan. It outlines inherited spending plans and the Assembly's 'first thoughts' on priorities.

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    In brief: NHS Executive


    The NHS Executive has agreed to fund a £70,000 pilot project to look at 'interface issues' between NHS Direct and pharmacies in Essex, following an approach by the National Pharmaceutical Association.

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    In brief: John Hutton


    Junior health minister John Hutton has announced that 'following top-level discussions' with the Local Government Association and the Association of Directors of Social Services, a 'summit' to develop new strategies for tackling violence against staff working in social services will be held in September.

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    In brief: Hillingdon Hospital trust


    Hillingdon Hospital trust has become the new owner of Mount Vernon Hospital, following a hand-over from Mount Vernon and Watford Hospitals trust, which still manages the regional cancer centre and specialist burns and plastics service based there.

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    Experts dub personality disorder imprisonment proposals 'flawed'


    Proposals to lock up 'dangerous people with severe personality disorder' indefinitely are 'fundamentally flawed', according to mental health experts.

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    MPs want pay-bed watchdog


    MPs investigating private healthcare have called for two different systems to regulate pay beds in NHS hospitals.