Latest news – Page 2677

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    Mental health framework delay risks making it an 'irrelevance'


    The government has been warned that delays in issuing its national service framework for mental health risk making it irrelevant.

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    Review of act is a 'dog's breakfast'


    The 'root and branch' review of the 1983 Mental Health Act has reported to junior health minister John Hutton on proposals for compulsory treatment.

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    Time to choose


    Option A Offenders continue to be treated in prison or hospital, depending on whether they have committed a crime.

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    Public healthcare is 'no longer sustainable'


    Government-backed healthcare is in 'turmoil' and private healthcare will see 'explosive growth' in the next decade, according to a report from the Economist Intelligence Unit. Its study of six western European countries says 'it is becoming increasingly clear that public healthcare systems are no longer sustainable' because of the demands ...

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    Anaesthetists value dialogue over consent form


    The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland has issued new guidelines on obtaining consent for anaesthesia, saying 'two-way communication' is more important than obtaining a signature on a consent form. The guidelines include advice on managing children, mentally ill people and women in labour, and on dealing with ...

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    Government told obesity treatment is behind times


    The Obesity Awareness and Solutions Trust says the government will not meet targets for reducing stroke and heart disease in the white paper Saving Lives unless it tackles obesity.

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    Report says reforms will raise public's expectations


    The massive programme of change in the NHS and other public services will lead the public to demand 'genuine improvements' in standards, according to spending watchdogs. Launching the Audit Commission's annual report, chair Dame Helena Shovelton said the role of public audit and inspection in upholding quality would be 'even ...

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    Analysts predict PCTs will have to pool resources


    Primary care trusts will have to come up with innovative solutions to management and administration if they are to survive on limited management funding, analysts have warned. 'The complexity of the tasks they face is unlikely to be matched by the costs they can afford to bear, ' says Newchurch ...

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    Critics pour cold water on plan for 'fair' distribution of Scots funding


    A radical plan to redistribute health funding in Scotland has met a mixed response.

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    Case stokes up row on long-term care


    The question of who pays for long term care was thrown into chaos last week by the Court of Appeal judgement in the 'Coughlan' case.

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    Jail for supply-theft man


    A former commercial manager who stole £42,000 from Wirral Hospital trust has been jailed for 21 months.

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    Dobson fires shot at opportunist lawyers


    The only place for lawyers in a hospital 'is on the operating table' - health secretary Frank Dobson told MPs last week.

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    19 walk-in centres in first wave


    Health secretary Frank Dobson has approved just one in five of the bids for NHS walk-in centres.

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    Days like this


    Care fears allayed. . . General Synod's market concern. . . Cook calls for £200m. . . Unlikely sponsorships. . . Ambulance complaints rise. . .

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    Unknown quantity


    What exactly will a nurse consultant do? Pat Healy reports on plans for a pilot scheme to develop the role

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    Twinned with Byzantium


    Real results may be some time coming for Plymouth health action zone, despite copious sub-committees. Laura Donnelly continues our occasional series

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    Mind the gap


    Fluoridation campaigners believe they have won the argument, but the detail remains to be resolved. Mark Crail reports

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    'People power' halts PFI projects


    Local campaign groups have claimed that the failure of two major hospital projects to win private finance initiative approval as a victory for 'people power'.

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    No extra cash to fund Blair's nurse posts


    Trusts will not be given additional funding to pay for the 'nurse consultant' posts outlined by the government last week.

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    Trust chief blasted for £25,000 office spend


    The new chief executive of one of London's highest-profile trusts has come under fire for spending £25,000 redecorating his offices.