Latest news – Page 2700

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    As a patron of the arts, Monitor has been greatly troubled of late by the dearth of fresh young talent whose works might prove both a sound investment and an adornment to the walls of HSJ Towers. Happily, the search need go no further. The time has come to recognise ...

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    Lib Dem takes health chair


    Kirsty Williams, the Liberal Democrats' Welsh Assembly member for Brecon and Radnorshire, has been appointed chair of its health and social services committee.

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    NICE sets timetable for appraisals


    The National Institute for Clinical Excellence still hopes to produce its first set of guidelines and appraisals this year.

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    Charters to lay down long-term care standards


    Local housing, health and social services bodies will be required to co-operate in drawing up joint charters setting out local standards on long-term care under draft government guidance published this week.

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    Frank discussion:


    Patricia Moberly, chair of Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital trust, chats to health secretary Frank Dobson and Professor Mike Richards during a ministerial visit to St Thomas' Hospital.

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    Birthday conference cost IHSM dear


    The Institute of Health Services Management has collapsed into the second worst deficit in its history thanks largely to last year's financially disastrous NHS 50th birthday conference, according to figures released this week.

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    in brief



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    Crisis trust's non-execs get sack


    A community trust has lost its entire non-executive board following the intervention of health secretary Frank Dobson in a long-running boardroom feud.

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    Jenny Hope (left), midwifery manager at Arrowe Park Hospital, Wirral, helps Nichola Brown with her newborn son, David, and an elevating cot designed to help disabled parents care for their children. Ms Hope designed the cot in consultation with occupational therapists Mandy Whalley and Gaynor Reid after a disability audit ...

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    HAs press for guidelines as refugees move to join families


    The government is being pressed to issue new guidance to health authorities and other agencies as Kosovar refugees airlifted to northern cities drift south to join family and friends.

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    Patients sent to private hospital face ops after eye injection error


    An independent inquiry has been set up to investigate how 19 patients came to be injected with a potentially blinding solution at a private hospital as part of a blitz on NHS waiting lists.

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    Mystery as chief resigns


    A Birmingham trust chief executive has resigned 'out of the blue' - prompting questions from unions.

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    Lack of detail on PFI angers MPs



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    Government under pressure to publish delayed PFI review


    A Labour MP opposed to the private finance initiative has tabled a series of parliamentary questions to flush out the government's promised PFI review.

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    13th hospital deal signed


    A deal giving the go-ahead for a £67m, 347-bed hospital for Bishop Auckland, County Durham, has been signed at 10 Downing Street. It will be the 13th major hospital built under the PFI scheme.

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    Coventry plan is sent to Dobson


    A £200m private finance initiative scheme to build a new hospital in Coventry has been referred to health secretary Frank Dobson by the community health council.

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    Campaigners win council seats


    Campaigners fighting to stop Kidderminster General Hospital being downgraded have won 11 seats in local council elections.