Latest news – Page 2703

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    in person


    Tees and North East Yorkshire trust has seven board-level appointments. Moira Britton, who headed the former South Tees Community and Mental Health trust, is chief executive of the new trust. She is joined by chair Eileen Grace, a Labour councillor and deputy leader of Middlesbrough council. Dr Kathryn Gillen, Eleanor ...

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    Items are entered free for public sector, voluntary and professional organisations, but we need at least six weeks' notice of your event. Please send details to Uli Jaeger, HSJ, Greater London House, Hampstead Road, London, NW1 7EJ. Fax: 0171-874 0254.

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    Short cuts 'Appalling' racism found in psychiatric hospitals


    A Mental Health Act Commission visit to collect information on patients from black and ethnic minorities found 'appalling instances' of poor treatment. More than 150 commissioners visited 110 psychiatric hospitals this month to investigate their policies, procedures and practice. The findings are due to be published in October. Commissioner Kamlesh ...

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    Short cuts Multiple sclerosis charity wants NICE action on drug


    The Multiple Sclerosis Society is calling for the National Institute for Clinical Excellence to look at the provision of beta interferon to ensure it is 'available equitably to those patients whose consultants believe they will benefit from it'. In an adjournment debate in the House of Commons, MP John Bercow ...

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    Short cuts Dental health group calls for water fluoridation law


    The National Alliance for Equity in Dental Health, an umbrella body for 40 royal colleges, medical organisations and charities, has called for a government commitment to introduce legislation to force water companies to fluoridate supplies when asked to do so by a health authority to be included in the 'imminent' ...

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    Short cuts MDU welcomes guidance on PCG board liabilities


    The Medical Defence Union has welcomed guidance from the NHS Executive clarifying the position of GPs serving on primary care group boards. The guidance says PCG chairs and non-executives who act 'honestly and in good faith' will not have to meet the cost of 'any personal civil liability which is ...

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    Short cuts Hillingdon chief to head London's millennium work


    Philip Brown, chief executive of Hillingdon Hospital trust, has been appointed to co-ordinate work on the year 2000 problem in London by the regional office of the NHS Executive. His appointment coincided with figures showing that 16 NHS organisations were classed as making 'unsatisfactory' progress on year 2000 issues in ...

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    Short cuts HAs' reviews of acute services point to cost-cutting


    Three-quarters of health authorities in England and Wales have undertaken a recent review of acute services without official instruction from the Department of Health, according to an unpublished NHS Support Federation survey of directors of public health. Only 10 per cent of HAs carrying out a review had a budget ...

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    Woolf at the door



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    The changes: main points to watch for



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    Keeping track - the three different routes for claims


    Small claims: for claims up to £5,000 or personal injury claims up to £1,000. Designed to be informal and for the litigant in person. An unlikely forum for clinical negligence claims.

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    Made simpler: glossary of main new terms:


    Out In

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    In on the act?



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    Is your whistleblowing policy up to the job?


    Few of the draft policies by trusts and health authorities sent to Public Concern at Work comply with the new legislation. Indeed, the wording of some of them, no doubt inadvertently, makes it more likely that a member of staff will be protected if they make a disclosure to the ...

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    Indefinite articles



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    What the European Convention on Human Rights says


    Article 2: 'Everyone's right to life shall be protected by law. No one shall be deprived of his life intentionally...'

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    When can a patient be allowed to die?



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    The right to fertility treatment


    Currently, the NHS limits its funding of fertility treatment. However, article 12 of the convention enshrines the right to found a family (see box 1), which could allow patients to claim fertility treatment on the NHS as of right. Diane Blood succeeded in securing the frozen sperm of her husband, ...

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    Defence mechanisms



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    Preventing and dealing with harassment - a case study


    Hammersmith Hospitals trust has introduced a number of measures to prevent harassment. The trust has a general policy for dealing with harassment at work and management guidance on handling incidents. This includes mechanisms for: