Latest news – Page 2704

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    It is Monitor's sad duty to report that Dobbo's personal enforcer has met with a little accident. Joe McCrea fell down a flight of restaurant steps and dislocated his shoulder so badly that he spent the rest of the evening learning about the vastly improved A&E services central London hospitals ...

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    Millennium offer snubbed by staff


    Chief executives in health authorities and trusts across London joined forces this week to offer staff a £150 flat-rate bonus for working on millennium eve.

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    Dead and buried: Milburn's PFI review


    A key Department of Health review of the private finance initiative is now unlikely ever to see the light of day, according to HSJ sources.

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    PCGs and trusts invited to bid for £30m walk-in centre funding


    Primary care groups and trusts were invited this week to bid for a share of the £30m pot to set up walk-in health centres - and given just five weeks to set out their plans.

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    in brief



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    Devolution heralds integrated approach


    Ministerial appointments in Scotland and Wales this week underlined the determination of devolved Labour administrations to break down barriers between health and social services.

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    'Threat' to services in contractual switch


    Acute and teaching hospitals face losing millions of pounds, putting services 'in danger', because of the switch to service agreements and out-of-area treatments, trust finance managers warned this week.

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    BMA slams police privatisation plan


    Plans by a second police force to privatise police surgeon services have come under fire from the British Medical Association after claims that standards have slipped since the first contract was let.

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    Ex-NHS finance director faces CIPFA investigation


    A former NHS finance director faces an investigation by his professional body over allegations that he took £50,000 from a London medical school.

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    Dobson rebuffs private sector


    Health secretary Frank Dobson has delivered a calculated snub to the independent healthcare sector by refusing to bring private hospitals under the NHS regulatory and quality standards umbrella.

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    Hole time equivalent:


    Hole time equivalent: one of a series of paintings by artist Figgy Fox under the title 'Welcome to my psychosis', now on show at the Bethlem Gallery, in the grounds of the Bethlem Royal Hospital in Beckenham, Kent. Mr Fox has been receiving treatment for depression and psychosis since 1989. ...

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    Hidden cameras to detect staff crime


    A trust is set to agree a code of practice on using hidden cameras to detect staff crime, which could be adopted across the NHS.

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    Midwife found guilty of serious misconduct after death of baby


    An independent midwife and former president of the Royal College of Midwives has been cautioned by the UK Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting after being found guilty of three charges of serious professional misconduct.

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    PFI to expand in primary care



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    Reward points nomination delay


    Scottish health unions have only just been asked to submit names to the panels which will decide on who will qualify for the discretionary points scheme, announced by Scottish health minister Sam Galbraith 14 months ago.

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    Days like this


    White paper funding... paring down the regions... Labour's plans for management... junior doctors' hours... public sector pay

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    Judgement day


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    Date line: a guide to key legislation and guidance


    1948 National Assistance Act section 21 sets out local authorities' duty to provide residential care for people in need.

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    Plane sailing


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    'Tremendous resiliance': settling in


    The Red Road flats, in the north of Glasgow, stand in one of the city's poorest neighbourhoods.