Latest news – Page 2723

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    in brief


    The long-awaited protection for whistleblowers in the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 is set to come into force in spring or early summer, giving staff who raise concerns about malpractice at work protection from victimisation or dismissal. Anyone victimised for making a protected disclosure will be able to bring a ...

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    Dental restoration


    on the evidence

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    Effective Health Care


    Effective Health Care is an independent report based on systematic reviews of the research evidence, produced by the NHS centre for reviews and dissemination, York University. The bulletin aims to provide NHS decision makers with information on the effectiveness of interventions and the delivery and organisation of healthcare.

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    Air pollution


    data briefing

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    Monitor can report that it's New NHS, New Upholstery in Frank Dobson's Richmond House eyrie. Our interior decor correspondent called in recently to find the dull grey sofas of the Bottomley-Dorrell era swept away and replaced by a couple of homely burgundy settees. And at no extra cost, either. Turns ...

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    An everyday tale of trust folk, appearing fortnightly

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    A NICE beginning But there's still a long way to go before real change can be achieved


    The welcome appointment of a senior, career health service manager as the National Institute for Clinical Excellence's first chief executive means that work on building up the organisation can now at last begin (see news, page 5). And not before time.

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    Short cuts Denham plans speed-up on non-executive posts


    Health minister John Denham has announced government plans to speed up the appointment of trust and health authority non-executive directors. He told last week's NHS Executive conference on human resources that regional boards had set in place 'work to look at how we can streamline processes and avoid some of ...

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    Short cuts Expert panel to help Bristol Royal Infirmary inquiry


    A group of 35 experts in 14 different specialties has been appointed to help the Bristol Royal Infirmary inquiry. Evidence will be taken from the medical royal colleges and other professional organisations when the inquiry resumes on 19 April. In its first three weeks, the inquiry took oral evidence from ...

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    Short cuts Free eye tests for elderly people reintroduced


    Free eye tests for people aged over 60 were restored on 1 April, reversing the policy of the past 10 years. The Royal National Institute for the Blind estimates that 500,000 people could have their sight saved as a result. Health secretary Frank Dobson said restoring free eye tests was ...

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    Short cuts Guy's watchers predict 'disastrous' A&E closure


    A campaign is starting this week to monitor the effects of closing the accident and emergency department at Guy's Hospital, south London. Guy's Watch claims that the closure, in September, will prove 'disastrous'. A spokesperson for Guy's and St Thomas's trust said that Southwark health authority had already invested in ...

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    Short cuts King's Fund quality body goes independent


    The Health Quality Service, set up last year as an autonomous part of the King's Fund, is to become an independent charitable body. HQS, formerly known as Organisational Audit, works with both the NHS and the private sector to improve the quality of care.

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    Short cuts Counsellors issue commissioning guide for PCGs


    A guide to commissioning managed counselling services has been published by the Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists in Primary Care. Chair Joan Foster says counsellors, most of whom are on individual contracts, fear that counselling in GP surgeries will collapse with the start of primary care groups, 'despite its proven ...

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    Top job vacant as key Welsh trust launched


    this week

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    'Get tough' message for Wales


    Welsh secretary Alun Michael has signalled a tougher financial regime for trusts and health authorities in Wales.

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    Quarter of PCGs start without a chief executive


    One primary care group in four will go live today without a chief executive in post, an HSJ survey has revealed.

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    Unions seek details as pay talks remain stalled


    Health unions have agreed to seek clarification on key issues in the government's proposals for a new NHS pay system.

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    Waiting-list target hit a month ahead of schedule


    The government's pledge to cut waiting lists to pre-election levels has been achieved a month early in England.

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    in brief

