Latest news – Page 2736

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    Courts could uphold right to free nursing care


    Action has been eagerly awaited since the landmark High Court ruling last December that the NHS has a legal duty to provide free nursing care and cannot shift the liability to local authorities, which charge those who have the means to pay.

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    in brief


    A ground-breaking employment tribunal award of £103,000 for disability discrimination has been increased to £167,000. British Sugar was ordered to pay £103,000 to partially-sighted Nick Kirker in 1997 for unfairly selecting him for redundancy. Now the tribunal has ordered the company to meet his tax liabilities on the award, as ...

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    Remember that letter from Dobbo asking how to improve the health service? Well, it's exactly a year since he sent it to a million staff in a bid to revive Royal Mail's fortunes. Alas it didn't turn out like that. Despite a deafening silence ever since, Monitor can exclusively reveal ...

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    An everyday tale of trust folk, appearing fortnightly

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    Measuring efficiency


    data briefing

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    in person


    North Herts trust has two new non-executive directors - Suzanne Myson, a Labour councillor and community health council member, and Joanna Cahill, admissions tutor and senior lecturer on nursing at Hertfordshire University.

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    Items are entered free for public sector, voluntary and professional organisations, but we need at least six weeks' notice of your event. Please send details to Uli Jaeger, HSJ, Greater London House, Hampstead Road, London, NW1 7EJ. Fax: 0171-874 0254.

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    Short cuts £40m earmarked to put an end to mixed-sex wards


    The government is directing £40m of this year's £1.1bn NHS capital investment programme towards eliminating mixed-sex wards. Health secretary Frank Dobson, who described the allocation as 'the first real-terms increase in capital for the NHS in the last five years', said 95 per cent of health authorities should be able ...

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    Short cuts Colorectal cancer screening pilots announced


    Ministers have announced colorectal cancer screening pilot services for England and Scotland. The English site is in Coventry and Warwickshire. The Scottish pilot is in Tayside, Grampian and Fife. The project will run for two years, with screening kits sent to patients' homes, before being sent to laboratories for testing. ...

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    Short cuts Call for action on private healthcare 'deficiencies'


    The government has been urged to tackle 'fundamental deficiencies' in private healthcare by Action for Victims of Medical Accidents. In evidence to the health select committee, AVMA says 'inadequate specialist medical and nursing cover' is a 'critical factor' in failures to diagnose post- operative complications at private hospitals. It says ...

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    Short cuts Researchers say ovarian cancer checks 'premature'


    Women should not be screened for ovarian cancer until 'further research provides a better understanding of the potential benefits, harms and risks involved', according to the NHS centre for reviews and dissemination in York. The CRD says that although 'intuitively, it seems common sense that early detection of a cancer ...

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    Short cuts Family of dead boy claims hospital failed him


    Schoolboy Imran Khan, 15, would still be alive if he had received proper hospital treatment, his family lawyer claimed at a fatal accident inquiry into his care at the Royal Victoria Infirmary in Glasgow. Anne Smith QC said there was evidence that a doctor had pushed a chest drain further ...

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    Short cuts King's Fund appoints new senior associates


    Baroness Cumberlege, Lord Harris of Haringey, Catherine McLoughlin and Sir Leslie Turnberg have been appointed senior associates of the King's Fund. Sir Leslie will work with the Health Quality Service on clinical standards, while NHS Confederation chair Ms McLoughlin will work on 'professional roles and leadership development'. Baroness Cumberlege, a ...

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    Welsh NHS stocktake is a surprise to managers


    Managers have been baffled by the announcement of a major 'stocktake' of the NHS in Wales.

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    Dobson stalls on proposal for free long-term care


    A general welcome for the report of the Royal Commission on Long- Term Care quickly turned to concern this week when the government made it clear that early action was not likely.

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    Campaign aims to cut patients' non-attendance


    Health minister Baroness Hayman has asked 'waiting-list buster' Peter Homa to look at outpatient waiting times, after official figures showed that 1.3 million outpatient appointments - 11 per cent of the total - were 'wasted' in 1998 when patients did not show up.

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    'Shaking off the poor law': the report's recommendations


    The Royal Commission on Long-Term Care calls for a 'new contract between the individual and the state'. Chair Sir Stewart Sutherland said it was time for care of elderly people to 'to shake off its 'poor law' past and become part of a modern Britain'.

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    in brief



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    Beacon status and 'Oscars' offered for best


    The government has unveiled details of the 'beacon services' and Nye Bevan award schemes, first announced last year.