Latest news – Page 2744

  • News

    Preparing for clinical governance: a checklist


    Carry out an organisational stock-take. The trust or primary care group must test the efficacy of current systems that contribute to clinical governance, including clinical audit, risk management, audit of consumer feedback, and the development of clinical leadership skills.

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    Running on empty


    What happens to subscribers when a private health plan company goes bankrupt?

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    Bells ring as NHS Direct contracts go to HBOC


    Four more NHS Direct contracts, worth a total of £2.9m, have gone to market leader HBOC.

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    'Largest' network links acute sites


    North Essex health authority has ordered the largest 'community of interest network' yet to be built in England.

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    Hospital embraces clinical care


    SEMA has launched a hospital information system that it claims will eventually support clinical care as well as patient administration systems.

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    The jury is out


    In 1996 and 1997 the King's Fund and the Institute for Public Policy Research shared sponsorship of citizens' juries set up in six health authorities. Healthy Debate is a comprehensive account of the evaluation, which had three aims: to assess how far juries had enabled local people to become involved ...

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    Regulation issue


    Doctors appear to have escaped the threat of ministerial intervention. Other professions are less fortunate. Pat Healy reports

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    The nursing shake-up


    A new Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting Council will replace the UK Central Council and the four national boards governing nurse education. The government is consulting the NHS on three points on how it will work.

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    Stop me if you've heard these before


    Fifty years of the National Health Service Continuities and discontinuities in health policy Edited by Robert Skelton and Valerie Williamson University of Brighton 136 pages £12

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    Carry that weight


    From April, chief executives will be responsible to government for clinical services in their trust. What will this new burden mean? Barbara Millar canvasses the opinions of senior managers

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    Julian Nettel: 'The full story of Bristol has yet to emerge'


    Concept and effect: 'The concept is a good one. But the name masks an almost endless series of questions that will only be answered as we all explore its meaning over time. As for its effect, the scary thing is that no one really knows the outcome of this as ...

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    Dr Peter Kennedy: 'It used to take seven years to do something about colleagues with nicknames like 'Terminator' and '007'''


    Concept: 'The term is new, but the concept is not - it is about the collective responsibility of chief executives and clinicians. The new emphasis is on increasing the development of information on clinical outcomes and performance and handling that information in an open manner with the public.'

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    Louise Boden: 'It is a big sea change - right, but difficult'


    Concept: 'I am delighted about clinical governance. It is long overdue. Relationships will be much stronger. It is going to make it necessary for there to be much more dialogue than may have been the case in some places.'

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    People need reassurance they will not be 'struck off' for raising concerns


    The complex clinical governance agenda is further complicated by the (welcome) emphasis on involving patients and the wider public in the debate. It is, however, one thing to espouse this as desirable, another thing entirely to make it a reality.

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    Real democracy demands a willingness to listen to genuine local voices


    The launch of the King's Fund's 'Citizen Participation' programme last month had all the trappings of an exciting step forward for public involvement in decision making. Sadly, the content was old and weary, and little more than an attempt to promote democracy by focus group.

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    In brief


    MPs from all three major parties have written an open letter to junior health minister John Hutton expressing concern that the government may discourage NHS funding of beta interferon. They want the National Institute for Clinical Excellence to draw up multiple sclerosis treatment guidelines 'as a matter of urgency'.

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    In brief


    The government has announced a 'sweeping extension' of the powers of the parliamentary commissioner for administration. Health quangos brought within the ombudsman's remit include the standing dental, medical, nursing and midwifery and pharmaceutical advisory committees.

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    In brief


    Health minister John Denham has ordered a three-month public consultation on proposals to merge Hull and Holderness Community Health trust and East Yorkshire Community Healthcare trust. Meanwhile, ministers have approved the merger of Bedford and Shires Health and Care trust with South Bedfordshire Community Healthcare trust on 1 April. Durham ...

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    In brief


    The post of chair at Tameside and Glossop Community and Priority Services trust is not vacant, as stated in HSJ last week (news, page 4). The trust's chair is Marice Travers. Two non-executive posts need to be filled.

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    In brief


    Lord McColl is a practising surgeon, not an ex-surgeon as he was described in HSJ last week (politics, page 17).