Latest news – Page 2745

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    The wrong phone number was given for ordering advance copies of the West Midlands region survey on PCG staff learning needs last week (training special report, page 6). The correct number is 01785-353 699 (contact: Nicky Macleod).

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    Review of consultant suspensions finishing soon


    Short cuts

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    Doctors at Guy's Hospital, London, are angry over growing rumours that it will be among the first to opt out of health authority control. 'It is a matter of substantial embarrassment to most of us that the professor of surgery, Ian McColl, is talking about Guy's opting out as though ...

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    Gloucestershire companies have been asked to sponsor local NHS beds, wards, nurses and even whole hospitals in a bid to raise money by Cheltenham and District HA. General manager Jim Hammond has ruled out large neon signs promoting firms at hospital gates, but a 'tasteful advertisement' or 'discreet logo' may ...

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    Health secretary Kenneth Clarke has dismissed calls for the Department of Health to take over responsibility for food policy from the Ministry of Agriculture. He told the Commons agriculture committee's inquiry into salmonella in eggs that liaison between the two departments worked well.

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    East Anglian regional health authority is to pioneer white paper proposals on competition between hospitals. 'We have been talking about internal NHS marketing for 18 months. If this is the way the NHS is going to go, East Anglian wants to be at the forefront,' said a spokesman.

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    The government has acknowledged it would be impractical to set up an NHS internal market 'overnight', in evidence to the Commons social services select committee. Its strategy was to create 'greater freedom for health authorities to ensure that the resources flow to those providers which attract most patients'.

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    'Almost all' NHS organisations met last year's 31 December deadline for safeguarding date-sensitive computers against the millennium bug, according to the NHS Executive. But the Executive is anticipating a drop in the number of trusts reporting 'satisfactory' or 'good' progress due to tougher human resources and emergency planning targets. Public ...

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    iSoft - formerly known as KPMG Health Systems - has launched Microsoft's Windows NT intranet server product, SQL Server 7.0, onto the NHS market to be used as a platform for electronic health record solutions.

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    East Anglian Ambulance trust has ordered £420,000 worth of telephone and radio communications equipment from Securicor for its regional control centre in Norwich. The contract is the first phase of a £2m programme and includes three extra transmitters. In the next stage, after April, all the trust's ambulances will be ...

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    Drug firms will have to reveal full cost of new treatments to NICE


    Drug companies will be expected to produce evidence of 'the total cost to the NHS' of adopting new treatments under a proposed appraisal process for the National Institute for Clinical Excellence.

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    Patel chairs Scots standards board


    Obstetrician Sir Naren Patel has been appointed chair of the Clinical Standards Board for Scotland, the Scottish equivalent of the National Institute for Clinical Excellence.

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    UKCC faces axe in nursing regulation shake-up


    The government is to shake up nurses' regulation after an independent review found existing regulatory bodies 'do not do enough to protect the safety of patients'.

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    Protests at low pay offer for managers


    Senior managers are to be offered significantly lower pay rises than nurses, NHS chief executive Sir Alan Langlands has told trusts and health authorities.