Latest news – Page 2746

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    Board vacancies delay North West decisions


    Delays in appointing chairs and non-executive directors in North West region are delaying key decisions and putting a heavy burden on 'half- strength boards', according to senior managers.

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    Turnberg inspires team share


    'Political' considerations have driven two trusts to create a single executive team reporting to two sets of non-executive directors.

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    Damning Unison analysis of PFI hospital is 'wrong', claims trust


    A scathing analysis of the case for a leading private finance initiative project has concluded that it will deliver poorer service and cost more than a publicly funded scheme.

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    Warning on 'hidden needs' of carers


    The government has been warned that its national strategy for carers could 'reveal hidden care needs' in community services.

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    in brief


    The government has announced that NHS Direct, the nurse-led telephone helpline, will be rolled out to cover 60 per cent of the country by the end of the year. Health secretary Frank Dobson said the scheme was being expanded faster than originally planned because it had

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    Falklands hospital seeks NHS staff to replace military team


    A Falkland Islands hospital is looking for an NHS partner because of defence cuts.

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    Managers beg Blair to act on intensive care


    Managers have appealed to prime minister Tony Blair for action to halt a 'crisis' in intensive care in London.

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    Confederation's subs go up to prevent 'ruin'


    The NHS Confederation is planning a big hike in membership rates at the end of a year in which its chief executive admits it faced 'potential financial ruin'.

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    Short cuts


    MSF survey finds hospital pharmacy 'staffing crisis'

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    Astronomical problems as services face hordes


    Acute services in Devon and Cornwall are drawing up drastic contingency measures to cope with a mass influx of visitors for the solar eclipse in six months' time.

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    CJD doubles cost of blood


    The cost of blood will double as a result of the 'mad cow disease' crisis, the NHS Executive has confirmed.

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    Splitting the difference


    This year's pay settlement was supposed to make everyone happy. Instead it has been seen as divisive, with some staff groups left far behind. Pat Healy reports

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    After Henry


    The NHS Bill is a skeletal piece of legislation which conjures up the ghost of Henry Vlll in the powers it gives ministers. Lyn Whitfield reports

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    Northern exposure


    Civil servant or health service manager? Northern and Yorkshire's new regional director, Peter Garland, talks to Seamus Ward about his role in an increasingly centralised NHS

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    Shark repellent


    NHS credit unions can offer staff cheap loans and a way to bypass undesirable lenders, but their numbers are still low, writes Barbara Millar

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    Lighting up time


    How will NICE work? And whatever happened to 'beacon' hospitals? Baroness Hayman has the answers. Mark Crail reports

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    Does the gentleman in Whitehall really know best?


    The NHS regional offices are increasingly arms of central government

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    The people who time forgot


    Being invited to write for a magazine as well-read by well-informed people as HSJ isn't just an honour, it's downright scary. What can I say to engage your attention when virtually every aspect of the health service has been hogging the headlines in yet another crisis of nursing, funding and ...

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    Lords above - it's time to enhance the NHS brand


    While the Commons last week debated the bill to purge the hereditary peers, and Labour MP Dr Howard Stoate was fighting off pleas from male colleagues for Viagra prescriptions (name them, demanded Teresa Gorman), the Lords quietly staged their annual debate on the NHS. What a rich mix of fascinating ...

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    The government is taking the right road with a centralised system for reclaiming traffic accident costs


    Seamus Ward gave an interesting report on the new Road Traffic (NHS Charges) Bill ('One for the road', pages 22-25, 14 January).