Latest news – Page 2747

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    The Dobbo Day of reckoning for consultants


    Informed sources - not including any current or unemployed government spin doctors - advise me that the medical profession is considering abolition of consultant merit awards. The move would end this gratuitous waste of NHS resources, and replace it with a revolutionary system which fits well with the education sector's ...

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    No individual to blame in poll shenanigans...


    The investigation into the Ladywood primary care group election (news, page 4, 21 January) was not about an individual but was concerned with the movements of a ballot box over a period of 72 hours, and as such 15 individuals were interviewed by Birmingham health authority secretary Richard Miles.

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    Supra? Sounds super


    How interesting that Birmingham is the first to discover the benefits of what used to be called family practitioner committees.

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    'Supra-PCG' structures must be planned to work from the bottom up


    As an organisational concept, the 'supra-PCG' makes a lot of sense. But care must be taken to ensure that the development of such models is managed from the 'bottom-up' as well as the 'top-down' perspective.

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    Primary care groups The expertise that PCGs need is already there - in the community trusts


    Your detailed report on primary care group functions and the need for professional and management support ('Supra troupers', page 26, 14 January) was a timely contribution to the debate around the organisational development needs of primary care groups.

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    Never mind the routine organisational angst, what about the opportunities?


    I would like to take issue with your editorial on mergers, 'Upheaval, mayhem, poor morale and for what?' (comment, 21 January).

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    County set straight


    The table included in 'Bitter pill' shows that Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire ambulance services are proposing to merge with Lincolnshire. This is incorrect. They are proposing to merge with Leicestershire Ambulance and Paramedic Service.

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    Trust mergers Worries that women will suffer disproportionate number of redundancies


    There is an important additional issue arising from the likely job losses resulting from the current round of mergers (news and 'Bitter pill', news focus, 21 January). It seems most will be among community or mental health trusts. Are we consequently going to see a disproportionate number of redundancies among ...

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    On the line


    The government wants radical reform of consultants' contracts. Wendy Moore considers the likely outcomes

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    'I don't want to be associated with those who abuse the system'


    Patrick Grant, consultant in accident and emergency medicine at Western Infirmary, Glasgow, would welcome a new contract drawing a clearer line between NHS and private work. He supports the idea floated by government leaks of paying consultants more for a full-time NHS commitment with no private practice allowed. Those who ...

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    'Resign if private practice is curbed'


    Dr Woodruff Walker, consultant radiologist at the Royal Surrey County Hospital, believes doctors should threaten to resign from the NHS - potentially bringing down the government - if ministers attempt to curb their private practice. He would prefer consultants to be paid on a 'fee-for-service' basis, as in an insurance-based ...

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    Rational thinking


    Elderly people have always been marginalised in NHS planning. But it's time to question what rationing and prioritising mean for older people, says Dorothy White

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    Over the threshold


    Significant variations between hospitals in the severity of illness of patients admitted suggest it is time to draw up an ideal admissions system, say David Lawrence and colleagues

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    Shift ruling keeps equal opps to the fore


    Two nurses have won an important discrimination claim over changes to work shifts which should remind trusts to keep equal opportunities issues firmly to the forefront when introducing new working patterns.

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    HA's bid to force water fluoridation founders


    Newcastle and North Tyneside health authority has lost a High Court bid to force Northumbrian Water to fluoridate the water of millions of customers.

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    Bristol GMC notes stay secret


    Dr John Roylance, the trust chief executive struck off for serious professional misconduct in the Bristol paediatric heart surgery case, has failed in an unprecedented attempt to obtain access to shorthand notes of confidential deliberations by the General Medical Council.

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    in brief


    Employment lawyers are advising bosses they should consider sacking problem employees sooner rather than later in the light of the government's Fairness at Work Bill. The bill, which was presented to Parliament last month, will make radical reforms to employment law, including lifting the ceiling on compensation for unfair dismissal ...

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    A manager's lot would be greatly improved by a clear way of measuring outcome which shows how their actions impact on health, writes John Appleby

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    in person


    David Watt has become director of nursing at Poole Hospital trust. He has held the post on an acting basis since July 1997.

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