Latest news – Page 2755

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    Tribunal ruling significance played down


    Managers have played down the significance of an employment appeal tribunal ruling hailed as a major boost for family-friendly policies by union leaders.

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    Fixer's trust has bad debts


    A top NHS manager drafted in to troubleshoot at a London trust facing a £6m deficit has admitted his own trust has run up a £3m bad debts loss.

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    Making a point:


    Making a point: a midwife signs a postcard backing a Royal College of Midwives campaign for a 'fair deal' on pay and action to tackle staff shortages. The RCM hopes to deliver 30,000 postcards to Parliament to 'maintain pressure' on ministers in the run-up to an announcement by the nursing, ...

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    Drugs firm and NHS to fund diabetes research centre

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    Commissioners call for spending boost to finance free elderly care


    What the commission recommends

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    High Court backs HA on 'downgrade'


    Campaigners who took Worcestershire health authority to court, claiming a consultation exercise on plans to downgrade Kidderminster General Hospital was 'dishonest', have been defeated.

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    Managers 'will bear the brunt of GP overspend'


    Managers could bear the brunt of unpopular measures to deal with GP overspends in the reformed NHS, the Office of Health Economics has predicted.

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    Executive steps in to prevent GP 'carve-up'


    A regional office has stepped in to prevent a health authority paying GPs to manage a primary care group instead of appointing a chief executive.

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    Demolished trust store in radioactive 'near miss'


    A trust has fallen foul of the Environment Agency after a store containing radioactive waste was partly demolished.

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    Days like this


    Importing radical health reforms... Broadmoor managers... local health councils... nurses' pay... banning eggs from hospitals...

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    All hands on deck


    The former admiral seconded to Ashworth Hospital in the wake of the damning Fallon report has his work cut out. Laura Donnelly looks at the options

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    Fancy brick work


    How much support exists for the health select committee's proposal to integrate fully health and social services, wonders Pat Healy; 'Bringing them together would be a disaster. You can't force people to work together'

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    Getting the cold shoulder


    Has Sam Galbraith's personal winter crisis damaged his chances of becoming Scotland's first health minister? Colin Wright reports; 'For a man who was presented as a 'safe pair of hands', he has begun to look a little clumsy'

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    White goods


    Scotland's public health white paper is due early next month. Barbara Millar reports on what is likely to be in store

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    Upheaval, mayhem, poor morale - and all for what? Merger mania is causing seismic shifts that may not fulfil expectations


    On 1 April the NHS structure throughout the UK will look radically different to how it did just 23 months earlier when Labour came to power. A decade ago, the service protested shrilly against the pace of change instigated by the Thatcher reforms; the internal market took three years to ...

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    Same again but with a difference The only real option open to Labour is to fund the nurses' pay award


    Ministers are currently having that hardest of lessons about the NHS rammed down their throats - namely, that no matter how much money you allocate to it, sooner or later (usually sooner) it will raise a cacophonous clamour for even more.

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    A come-back for public service


    'The desire to preserve and improve 'our' NHS is still strong enough to bind individuals through enormous changes'

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    Do you ever feel you were robbed of the opportunity to develop UK foreign policy towards Tashkent or to draft white papers on white fish quotas - and all because you got such bad careers advice at school?

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    St Tony of Lost Causes tends the sick at heart


    Now that Charlie Whelan has hung up his boots as spin doctor to Chancellor Brown it is safe to say without fear of reprisal that there are distinct dangers attached to over-cleverness in his trade.

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    Soviet-style back-stabbing and political goulash - welcome to PCGs


    In April, primary care groups - still talking shops without secretariats - will 'go live', setting pro and anti-fundholders together, in an attempt at enforcing unifying policies among GPs of diverse opinion. Similarly, nurses, health visitors, social workers and political appointees will be plunged into the melting pot, the inevitable ...