Latest news – Page 2756

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    Treating the drug-cost headache by tapping into regional expertise


    PCGs will be under considerable pressure to cut prescribing costs and obtain the best value for money from drugs.

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    Our egalitarian government should halt this drain on the public purse


    I received a flyer from QMW Public Policy Seminars, London University, inviting me to hand over £300 of public money (£259 plus VAT) to attend a day seminar on inequalities in health.

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    Wiping the floor with comments on pay


    I appreciate that doctors' pay is a significant issue, but it is grossly overstated by Nizam Mamode, deputy chair of the British Medical Association's junior doctors committee ('Quick march', 3 December).

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    Complaints convenors can be impartial...


    Hilda Harvey's letter (3 December) shows a level of prejudice and bias that does little to instil confidence in her independence as a complaints convenor.

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    Cancer trials: money is not only currency of success


    Alan Maynard's article ('Looking Askance', 19 November), on the cost-effectiveness of cancer services, was disappointing in its narrowness of approach.

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    Going our not-so-separate ways on health and social services spending


    In 'Separate ways' (26 November), Paul Jervis and Robert Hazell write that 'the latest figures indicate that Northern Ireland and Scotland receive around 30 per cent per capita more than England, while Wales receives around 15 per cent more'.

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    Monitor wouldn't wish to suggest anyone was panicking about the millennium bug, but when hospitals start sinking their own wells to ensure continued water supplies 'just in case', there must be something going on. Northwick Park Hospital communications manager Brian Goodinson says the idea does hold other attractions, even if ...

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    When the chips are down


    Some hospitals now seem confident of thwarting the millennium computer bug. Other are worried about basic utilities and concern over IT staffing levels is widespread. Peter Mitchell reports; 'Staffing over the meltdown period is the real problem'

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    'Even the best performers have much to do, but some have an awful lot more to do than others'


    Taking the slow road: Scotland's year 2000 problem

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    One for the boys


    'The clinic is staffed by specially trained GPs'

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    Key points


    An increase in the number of complications following male circumcisions performed by non-professionals led to the establishment of a special clinic for religious circumcisions.

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    Making their marker


    Paul Myers is a GP and senior lecturer at the department of general practice and primary care, St Bartholomew's and the Royal London School of Medicine.

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    Key points


    The performance indicators currently in use are not reliable for assessing individual GPs or identifying poor performers.

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    Reuters joins exodus from NHS market


    Reuters has sold its GP software operations to a French company, Cegedim SA.

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    Community and mental health trust opts to outsource all its IT


    HBOC has won a £3.6m, seven-year contract to manage all IT at Chichester Priority Care Services trust. The deal makes Chichester the first community and mental health trust to outsource its entire IT operation.

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    Drury steps in to new top post


    Peter Drury has been appointed head of the NHS’s information policy unit, a new post carrying a salary of up to £95,000.

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    SEMA Group


    SEMA Group is to get the contract to build the National Strategic Tracing Service for the NHS Executive. The NSTS will enable administrators across the health service to trace the NHS numbers of all patients in England and Wales from their names and birth dates. SEMA was one of only ...

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    Such an old story


    From poor law to community care The development of welfare services for elderly people 1939-1971 (2nd edition 1998) By Robin Means and Randall Smith The Policy Press 332 pages £45

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    The eagle has landed


    Birds of a feather Decentralising public service management By Christopher Pollitt, Johnson Birchall and Keith Putman Macmillan Press 211 pages £14.99

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    Medicine: not the best laughter


    Seven ages of nursing By Mark Radcliffe NT Books 122 pages £6.50