Latest news – Page 2759

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    Rushed deadline for three-way merger


    Hospital managers in Kent have been ordered to merge three acute trusts in less than four months.

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    Assessment centre's restricted role


    Consultation has begun on proposals to create a Scottish Health Technology Assessment Centre to evaluate new treatments and advise on their use.

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    Environmental 'showpiece' gets £25.7m overhaul


    St Mary's Hospital trust has been given the go-ahead for a £25.7m programme to replace the hospital's steel cladding.

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    Mental health plan 'failure' exposed


    The government's radical overhaul of mental health policy fell victim to inertia, short-term thinking and underfunding when put to the test in a two-day simulation exercise.

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    Future Perfect: the findings


    Change takes time - despite a great amount of activity, there was little transformation in services.

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    Managers moonlight to make up for low pay


    Half of NHS managers do not think they are well paid and one in 10 has a second paid job, according to a Unison survey published as part of its campaign for higher pay.

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    GPs' retainer scheme 'offers model for NHS'


    A £3m project to promote part-time work in general practice could be 'a model for the NHS', leading GPs have argued.

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    Galbraith denies union claims of a recruitment crisis in Scotland


    Scottish health minister Sam Galbraith has issued a letter to Labour MPs denying claims by health unions that there is a recruitment crisis in Scotland.

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    Hancock's half hour


    Royal College of Nursing general secretary Christine Hancock gives blood at the RCN's central London headquarters.

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    Psychiatrists reject 'failure' of care policy


    The Royal College of Psychiatrists has challenged popular public assumptions that care in the community has failed.

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    'Urgent' Scots intensive therapy unit report due


    Scottish health boards ordered to review provision of intensive therapy and high dependency units must report to chief medical officer Sir David Carter next month.

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    Days like this


    Anticipating Mrs Thatcher's NHS white paper... junior doctors' hours... nurses' grading appeals... suspended doctors...

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    The icepick man cometh


    New health minister John Denham is happy to be called a moderniser after a Bennite past. But will his appointment mean a leadership vacuum at a crucial stage of policy development, asks Patrick Butler.

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    Milburn motors on


    Although Alan Milburn was technically health secretary Frank Dobson's understudy, the new NHS primary care programme will arguably go down in history as Milburn's reforms.

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    'There is a crisis. I'm not denying it'


    Hospitals have buckled under the strain of this year’s winter pressures. Thelma Agnew and Laura Donnelly report HSJ’s findings, as health secretary Frank Dobson gives his verdict:

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    Capital punishment


    A snapshot survey of A&E departments highlights lengthy waits for admission in many London hospitals even before the holiday pressures began.

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    About half the calls made to Nottinghamshire Ambulance Service over the holiday period were a 'waste of time', claims trust spokesman Phil Morris.

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    A matter of trust


    One challenge of merging health and social services in a pioneering trust is allaying the fears of both camps that the other will dominate, writes Pat Healy.

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    Culture shock


    Paddy Cooney seems particularly well qualified for his job as chief executive of the Avalon Somerset trust, due to become the integrated mental health provider Somerset Partnership on 1 April.

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    Enquiring mind


    The late Brendan Devlin's contribution to evaluating surgical practice was ahead of its time and has had a lasting impact. Kaye McIntosh reports.